CSP and the 2005 Bush Town Hall
September 27, 2009For the past week or so, the debate has raged on regarding what happened during a 2005 town hall meeting with President Bush. It had been common knowledge that CSP was removed from a town hall meeting with President Bush. That was CSP’s recollection as well, until this past week. Here’s the short history of the CSP-Bush town hall saga:
Once, she agreed that she was removed from the meeting:
Susan Mayer, of Lee, and Carol Shea-Porter, of Rochester, were removed from Bush’s Feb. 16 talk on Social Security for wearing T-shirts that said “Turn Your Back on Bush.” The event was touted as a town hall discussion open to the public.
The women said they caused no disruption but were physically removed by Secret Service agents when they stood with their backs turned after the speech ended.
OK, so the Portsmouth Herald said in print that CSP was removed from the town hall meeting. Well, apparently that isn’t enough for CSP these days.
Here’s what she said to the Portsmouth Herald:
“I was proud to be there to stand up for senior citizens, but there were no disruptions and no rudeness and I wasn’t removed,” Shea-Porter told the Herald. “If it happened, don’t you think there would have been photos or video or news stories from that day? There aren’t because it didn’t happen.”
This new salvo from CSP came from a letter to the editor which named CSP has a member of the “waffle hat” groups which were disruptive during a town hall meeting. That letter to the editor was in response to CSP for calling out Rep. Joe Wilson for his outburst at President Obama’s recent address to a Joint Session of Congress. Which based on CSP’s history was hypocrisy to say the least.
So was she or wasn’t she removed from the town hall meeting? This morning, NowHampshire is reporting that another voice is now joining in the discussion to claim that she was in fact removed from the 2005 Bush town hall.
“Our congresswoman was removed because even silent dissent was never allowed at any event with Bush,” writes Buckley of (sic) the liberal blog BlueHampshire.com.
Yes, that’s right. Even Ray Buckley is seeing through the recent line of attack from the CSP camp. In the same comment thread, Buckley essentially insults anyone who disagrees with his reading of this debate and once again uses misdirection to try and discredit any other viewpoint other then his on this topic. There’s also another person who is also confirming that CSP was in fact removed from the Bush town hall.
Here is the fact about this, this story is not helping CSP, Buckley knows it. The NHGOP press release from last week lays out the argument against CSP’s recent flip on this story. To say the least, the next time CSP tries to hide her past, it would make sense for her to send the talking points to Buckley and co. ahead of time so they can at least get their stories straight.
Moe Lane » Shea-Porter emulates ‘Kerry strategy’ re: being thrown out of town hall.
Sep 27, 2009
[...] nobody’s told this to NH Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley (RedHampshire): “Our congresswoman was removed because even silent dissent was never allowed at any event with [...]
Shea-Porter emulates ‘Kerry strategy’ re: being thrown out of town hall. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Sep 27, 2009
[...] nobody’s told this to NH Democratic Party chair Ray Buckley (RedHampshire): “Our congresswoman was removed because even silent dissent was never allowed at any event with [...]
Tweets that mention RedHampshire.com » CSP and the 2005 Bush Town Hall -- Topsy.com
Sep 28, 2009
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Margie Morales. Margie Morales said: RedHampshire.com » CSP and the 2005 Bush Town Hall: 16 talk on Social Security for wearing T-shirts that said “.. http://tinyurl.com/y9tu7kx [...]