2010: Still a long ways away

May 8, 2009Norris Cotton

I vary rarely agree with the editoral board of the Concord Monitor, but today’s editorial hits it right on the nose.  After a marathon Primary campaign that burned out many activists across the state, which saw a plethora of campaign strategies develop, half of them attemped by Rudy’s campaign in a single month, its time to relax and recharge the batteries.

We have to remember that at this point the only people paying attention are the political junkies that live and die by the news cycle and are the most informed potion of the electorate who most likely won’t need too much persuation as to which ballot to pull on Primary Day.  We still don’t have a full slate of candidates and who knows who else may emerge from the woodwork to make a run for office.

While jumping in early has its rewards, such as the ability to drive the conversation and build a sizeable war chest, its also has its pitfalls.  The Monitor put it best “Today’s fresh face can quickly become tomorrow’s old hack.”  From the posts on Red Hampshire these past few days, I can see there are certainly some issues that are fresh on the minds of all of us today.   But, where will they stand on election day next year?  Time will tell but I have an odd feeling, we aren’t talking about the issue that will help to define the 2010 race.

Oh, and by the way only 543 days to make a choice.  No pressure.

Norris Cotton

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One Response to “2010: Still a long ways away”

  1. Author

    It is never too early to start planning a winning campaign. Winning in the 21st century requires a whole new set of skills. One must understand the 21st century media and how to use it effectively. If you want to know how BO became President, You have to watch this hour long video. They were not running an election campaign, they were building a BRAND.



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