Another Day, Another New Tax

June 4, 2009Matt Suermann

Today State Senate  Republicans released the  following statement regarding Senate Democrats passing an increase on heating oil:

“Just when we thought Democrats could not find anything else to tax, we now have an increased tax on home heating oil,” said Senate Minority Leader Peter Bragdon (R-Milford). “This tax preys on people who will struggle to heat their homes this winter while prices are rising and incomes are dropping.”

“I am saddened this tax increase will trickle down to New Hampshire families. Now is not the time for the legislature to further burden New Hampshire citizens,” said Senator Ted Gatsas (R-Manchester).

The home heating oil tax increase included in HB 296 calls for a 25% increase in the tax, from 1 cent to 1.25 cents per gallon.

That’s right, they have found something new to tax.  Something that thousands of Granite Staters rely on to survive the winter.  By passing this increase, the Democrats have forced another tax on the people of New Hampshire.  A tax that will end up hurting those that are being hardest hit by the current economic situation.  All during the campaign we heard how “big oil” was the cause of oil and gas prices going through the roof.  We all know who will be to blame this time around when home heating costs are increasing.

Matt Suermann

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2 Responses to “Another Day, Another New Tax”

  1. Author

    You’re kidding me, Right?
    Why do the Obama Worshipers insist on hammering down their own people while making them believe it’s for their own good?

    When Sunnunu was Gov. the state had money coming out of our ears. He built a prison and a hospital and we still had cash flowing overboard.

    Now since the Dem-0’s took over we’re 600 mill in the hole and their answer is to tax everyone to death, then hire four more people to count the tax money, and to buy four more state owned autos to drive the tax money to the bank.

    They remind me of when I was a kid and always had money as long as I had checks.

  2. Author

    Wrong. It preys on those of us who do not get State or Federal heating assistance. This is another example of democrats fleecing the people who play by the rules only to redistribute our wealth to those who drag on the system.


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