Another Poll Brings More Disasterous News for Paul Hodes

May 13, 2010Matt Suermann

OK, this is seriously getting old.  If I were a Hodes’ supporter or donor I would seriously start considering either A) stop sending him my donations or B) start looking around for a candidate that will actually put up a fight against his opponents.

Yet again, Paul Hodes is down double digits to 2 candidates and is essentially tied with the other two.  The Rasmussen poll of 500 Granite Staters, with a margin of error of +/- 4.5%, shakes out to have the following topline results

rasmussen nh sen may 2010More disturbing for Hodes should be the two following data points:

Voters not affiliated with either of the major parties prefer the Republicans.

Twenty-five percent (25%) of New Hampshire voters have a Very Favorable opinion of Hodes, while 31% view him Very Unfavorably.

In other words, Hodes is losing the very voters that he needs to win over to win and, to put it bluntly, Granite Staters just don’t like him very much.

Matt Suermann

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4 Responses to “Another Poll Brings More Disasterous News for Paul Hodes”

  1. Author

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Red Hampshire. Red Hampshire said: Another Poll Brings More Disasterous News for Paul Hodes: OK, this is seriously getting old.  If I were a … #RedHamp [...]

  2. Author

    I hope the NH Democrat party has not spent all their money of out of state staffers and saved enough to buy some very large forks. Cause they’ll need one for Hodes; as in stock a fork in him he’s done!

  3. Author

    David: You are making one big assumption in your comment that I am not willing to make: that the NH Dems care to help/save Hodes in the first place. Given the personal drama over there — and lack of money — they have no choice but to cut hodes loose and double down on lynch.

  4. Author

    this poll is painful…the two least most conservative candidates show they are the only two with a chance to beat Hodes right now…I call on all self respecting conservatives to start backing Ovide or Bender…I’m personally an Ovide guy, but Bender would be far better than Ayotte or Binnie…


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