March 6, 2011Andrew Manuse
Rep. George Lambert, R-Litchfield, and I decided to sponsor this bill (HB 628) because we have been watching (and experiencing) the post-911 anti-terrorism apparatus get out of hand. We have seen horror stories and personally listened to stories from people we know that tell of TSA agents putting their hands underneath people’s underwear–or worse; we have heard about body cavity searches conducted without any cause. We have heard about the potential risks of cancer from the backscatter technology and also how some agents have used the backscatter images as pornography. We have read about how the TSA is expanding its airport security into our train stations, bus stations and onto our highways. In the name of fighting terrorism, we have forgotten about our liberties and basic human decency.
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January 17, 2011Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.―For Republican National Committeeman, the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire is endorsing State Rep. Jordan Ulery, a small businessman, committed volunteer and strong advocate for liberty-minded conservative Republicanism.
Ulery, who is running to complete the four-year term vacated by Sean Mahoney, said that the role of the National Committeeman is not to raise money for a specific candidate, but to encourage support for the party and its platform. Rather than pursue a squishy Republicanism using a broad-spectrum philosophy, Ulery said he would bring Independents and some Democrats under the “big tent” by convincing them how liberty-minded, conservative Republican principles will help restore the country’s economic and social success.
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January 12, 2011Andrew Manuse
HUDSON, N.H.—State Rep. Jordan Ulery, a champion of equal rights, open government and civic interaction, would bring his respect for others and the New Hampshire values of fiscal and personal responsibility to the Republican National Committee if state committee members choose him on Jan. 22 to replace the national committeeman seat vacated by Sean Mahoney.
Ulery, who is serving his fourth term in the N.H. House on the distinguished Ways and Means Committee, said he would bring to the Republican National Committee the same “no-nonsense approach” to problem solving that he hopes will help lift the state from its current fiscal quagmire.
“New Hampshire is the birthplace of the GOP, and New Hampshire values are what’s needed at the table in Washington right now,” Ulery said. “Instead of being a participant in the business-as-usual politics of the national GOP, I would be a voice for New Hampshire Republicans. I would bring Granite Staters’ concerns and desires to the national convention and help promote like-minded conservative candidates for major office positions in the coming years.”
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December 15, 2010Andrew Manuse
N.H. House Speaker Bill O’Brien has appointed representatives to the House standing committees as follows:
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December 9, 2010Andrew Manuse
(Updated 12-11-10)-New Hampshire House Speaker William O’Brien today filled most of the leadership positions on the various standing committees and announced structural changes to the committee structure. In changing the committee structure, Speaker O’Brien eliminated the Local & Regulated Revenues Committee, separated the commerce committee and the judiciary committee into two divisions and created two new committees to handle constitutional review and petitions for redress of grievances.
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December 6, 2010Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.-Newly elected New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien, a Republican state representative from Mont Vernon, N.H., promised to serve the people of New Hampshire in his acceptance speech on Dec. 1, 2010, in Representatives Hall. The statesman speaker urged unity to fix the state’s fiscal and economic problems and ushered in a new era of limited government that respects individual liberty, personal responsibility and free enterprise.
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November 29, 2010Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.―A group of principled New Hampshire legislators has organized a Natural Rights Caucus to ensure that an effective freshmen class can work with senior members to advance legislation that guarantees equal treatment under the law and defends individual rights to life, liberty and property.
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November 15, 2010Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.―The Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire strongly urges the election of Rep. Bill O’Brien for Speaker of the House of Representatives during the Republican Caucus meeting on Nov. 18. A House Speaker O’Brien would give all representatives a voice and move the state GOP and the state as a whole in a new direction that responds to the will of the people.
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November 12, 2010Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.―The Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire is excited and hopeful for the state’s future after last week’s general election swept 80 percent of its endorsed post-primary candidates into the State House, where they will advance common-sense principles in the “Live Free or Die” state.
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September 27, 2010Andrew Manuse
CONCORD, N.H.―Now that all the dust has settled following the state’s primary races, the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire can announce that 134 of its 153 endorsed candidates, or 88 percent, were nominated as Republican candidates and will appear on their respective general election ballots on Nov. 2. Of the 94 endorsed candidates with a contested primary, 74 of them, or 79 percent, earned the support of voters in their districts.
“It thoroughly pleases me that voters responded so well to our candidates’ Common Sense agenda, which relies on the core American principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual liberty and personal responsibility,” said Andrew Hemingway, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire. “Now that we’ve achieved such success in the primary, it is time for all Republican nominees to work together in a concerted effort to defeat Democrats on Nov. 2. It is important for Republicans to win substantial majorities in both the New Hampshire House and the New Hampshire Senate so the ideas we’ve worked so hard to promote in the primary can come to life.”
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