May 4, 2010ClarenceClaus
Kathy Sullivan wrote an op-ed in the Union Leader today saying that Carol Shea-Porter could perform an upset, as she has in the last two elections. In fairness to Sullivan, Shea-Porter is not that far behind any of her GOP challengers. That makes me wonder if the New Hampshire Democratic Party is planning to write off the [...]
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April 30, 2010ClarenceClaus
I just had the opportunity to check out Ann McLane Kuster’s website, and she is someone who needs to be stopped any way possible. I encourage all moderate and conservative Democrats to cast their vote for Katrina Swett in the September primary. Ann McLane Kuster makes Carol Shea-Porter look like a conservative. Her mother, [...]
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April 28, 2010ClarenceClaus
I received an email yesterday from the Lamontagne campaign promising he would offer four pieces of legislation as soon as he is sworn in. They were the balanced budget amendment, term limits, the line item veto, and elimination of earmarks. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the first three of those were [...]
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April 26, 2010ClarenceClaus
With the DSCC getting ready to write off Paul Hodes, with incumbent Carol Shea-Porter losing to Bob Bestani in the latest Granite State Poll (another is coming out this week), and with Bass and Horn favored in the 2nd CD over Swett and Kuster, do you think Democrats should just forget about the Congressional races [...]
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April 15, 2010ClarenceClaus
I’m going to refrain from expressing my personal opinion on this race, at least for now, and just look at the numbers. Research 2000 recently did a poll on this race from March 29-March 31. That was the most recent poll I could find. I am unsure whether they are a reputable polling firm or not, [...]
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April 15, 2010ClarenceClaus
It appears President Obama doesn’t have a whole lot of clout within his own party, at least in Pennsylvania. President Obama’s candidate, incumbent Arlen Specter, leads challenger Joe Sestak by only 2 points (44-42). It is customary that when a race is within the margin of error, the challenger has a much better chance [...]
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April 15, 2010ClarenceClaus
In a shocking poll by Rasmussen, Barack Obama leads Ron Paul by only 42-41. Because of Paul’s idiosyncracies, I would have expected him to be behind by 20 points. Paul does especially well with Independents, leading Obama 47-28. However, he only gets 66% of GOP voters while Obama gets 79% of Democrats. Also, 24% of [...]
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April 15, 2010ClarenceClaus
A couple of busybody Democratic Congressmen, Henry Waxman (CA) and Frank Pallone (NJ), are calling on baseball to ban smokeless tobacco. While I would not encourage anyone to chew tobacco, like any good conservative, I think it is a personal decision and not the government’s business. Why are Democrats only pro-choice on one issue while [...]
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February 9, 2010ClarenceClaus
Representative Carol Shea-Porter was recently quoted as saying that health care would be more likely to pass if there were only women in the House. It is not smart politics to insult half of the state’s population, and she is paying for it in the polls. Among men, she has a 30% favorability rating [...]
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February 8, 2010ClarenceClaus
Take a look at those numbers! Republicans are in great shape. Shea-Porter trails unknowns like Bestani and Ashooh. The only Republican bad news in that poll is for Ovide. He has some work to do.
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