April 3, 2011conortheconservative
I was sent this by a fellow Conservative:
Cheer up, things could be worse.
If this doesn’t cheer you up, nothing will.
The Honeymoon is over. You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.
The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree…and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
-Jay Leno
America needs Obama-care like Nancy [...]
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March 27, 2011conortheconservative
It is an interesting ‘art’ if you will. People have even wrote whole books about it. For example: How to talk to a Liberal (If you must) by Ann Coulter, or Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government by Glenn Beck, just to name a few.
But, you see Sean Hannity arguing with [...]
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March 25, 2011conortheconservative
Have you ever pulled out your lawnmower after a long winter and thought, “Why won’t this danged thing start?”
It is the reason there is such a late start to the 2012 Election. Or, so people think. It is just that all these potentials have been involved with doing other things. They all have other things [...]
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March 20, 2011conortheconservative
Well, this has more than what is in that subject line. You may have noticed, if you are brave enough to watch its videos, that it now has ads in the beginning. It needs the money! Their ratings are tanking! People are smarter than to watch that biased network! I will get into more after [...]
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March 20, 2011conortheconservative
Well, there has been much going on at NPR. Vivian Schiller has resigned and Ron Schiller has been caught on tape after making bigoted comment sabout the Tea Party movement. They have just been falling apart. Ron Schiller was being a huge snob by saying:
“Liberals, in my opinion, are more educated, fair and balanced than conservatives.”
Now, [...]
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February 10, 2011conortheconservative
Rick Santorum recently made some controversial comments about why Sarah Palin turned down going to CPAC. It probably was taken out of context, as she said. Here is her response to the comments.
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
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February 10, 2011conortheconservative
Recently, Chuck Schumer was on CNN and mentioned something rather odd - that our three branches of Government are the House, Senate, and the President. The media hasn’t said anything about that, and yet they are going so hard on conservatives. Are they liberally biased? Possibly. They always ignore the faults/mistakes of the left and [...]
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February 6, 2011conortheconservative
I know that I am the 2nd person today to chronicle the centennial of our 40th President. He was one of the best presidents ever. He always cut the government’s size. He is a beacon of our ideology. I will always remember his legacy.
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