Author Archive

Kimball not my choice anymore

January 16, 2011ffleonard

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a hypocrite is “a person who acts in contradiction to his or her own stated beliefs or feelings.”  I understand no [...]

“Political Pimple on a RINO’s Butt”

September 2, 2010ffleonard
To that end, the Clark County Republican Party has scheduled an emergency meeting of its Central Committee….approved by the organization’s Executive Board by a vote of 23-1….for next Tuesday night where at least two resolutions will be considered and voted upon.
One would praise GOP legislators who voted against the Billion Dollar Tax Hike and those [...]

Strafford County Republican Committee shuts down conservative expression

August 28, 2010ffleonard

At this morning’s SCRC monthly meeting, I was called a bully and my conservative expression was stymied…yes I wore my RINO HUNTER hat and t-shirt, but I believe it is my right to fight to bring the GOP back to upholding the NH GOP platform and the conservative principles the GOP is supposed to represent…even [...]

GOP needs to enforce Party Platfrom

August 24, 2010ffleonard

While a lot of us are expecting a great GOP wave to wash over our state and nation in November, I fear that such a huge night for the GOP could be exactly what the GOP doesn’t need.  Without fundamental change coming from within the Party, Americans will never see the fundamental change they yearn [...]

Dems and RINOs supporting RINO - Help Needed

August 19, 2010ffleonard

It makes perfect sense that liberal democrats and other RINOs would support Julie Brown, State Rep Strafford 1…while Julie’s HRA score improved over the last two years to 58% in 2010, she has shown a clear propensity of voting more times with Dems than with her own party over her career…even at 58% (when a [...]

Any suggestions for tackling RINOs?

August 4, 2010ffleonard

I’ve been trying to expose a RINO in my district and have taken some heat for it…I went a little further by criticizing a couple of local GOP groups for essentially harboring RINOs…anyone out here doing anything in their area/ GOP groups to tackle this problem?

RINO’s own Strafford County and Rochester GOP

July 26, 2010ffleonard

RINO’s are still in control of the Rochester and Strafford County GOP groups.  I’ve been busy exposing Julie (the RINO) Brown’s liberal voting record in Concord over the past decade.  All of a sudden I start hearing rumors that there are people in both of these groups very upset that [...]

Bestani for Independents

June 28, 2010ffleonard

Most of today’s politicians have badly tainted the image of America’s unique democracy. Instead of instilling a sense of pride and dignity into our political process, our current political landscape has created an environment of apathy and distrust amongst our nation’s voters. As a result, we have seen unprecedented numbers of voters abandon [...]

Bestani Radio Ads

May 27, 2010ffleonard

These will air beginning June 2nd on the following stations: WGIR AM 610 Manchester NH WQSO 96.7 the WAVE 96.7 FM Portsmouth/Rochester WEMJ AM 1490 Guilford (Lakes Region)..the only candidate not taking PAC money…a real man for the people!

My Choice for 1st CD

May 24, 2010ffleonard

I’ve now seen the republican 1st Congressional District candidates at two forums along with hearing most of them individually. I’m thoroughly convinced that each of them is conservative enough, but I’m only convinced one of them is prepared enough to make an immediate impact when they are elected.
One candidate is a career politician. [...]

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