State House Protest Video
March 31, 2011Video the budget protest rally at the State House at the link.
Video the budget protest rally at the State House at the link.
Wow, there’s a lot happening at the New Hampshire State House today.
Here’s what you may have missed:
The House has pushed back debate on the budget until tomorrow.
The House voted again to repeal RGGI and sent the bill to the Senate.
The House took CACR 6 off the table an approved the Constitutional Amendment to require supermajorities to increase taxes, fees, or bonding.
The Executive Council tables a planning grant to set up a health care exchange under ObamaCare.
As part of our ongoing effort to provide better coverage of New Hampshire government, NH Watchdog has launched a new video feature called The Cloakroom. Our first episode provides a Progress Report on the New Hampshire House.
NH Watchdog looks at how the big Republican night reached into the county races all the way down the ballot.
NH Watchdog has analyzed last night’s House landslide county by county.
PPP, the Democratic robopollers, have their last New Hampshire results out today. The bottom line numbers show Kelly Ayotte crushing Paul Hodes 56-41 with just 3% undecided. They also have John Lynch up 53-44 over John Stephen.
Make what you will of the horse race numbers. I’m intrigued by some of their crosstabs, which will surely be picked apart by anyone wanting to dismiss the results.
Bill Binnie campaign manager Gerry Nichols writes on the increasingly shrill Frum Forum that Bill Binnie lost because he’s pro-choice.
Printed in Foster’s Daily Democrat
Cross posted at New Hampshire Watchdog.
Nancy Pelosi’s name won’t appear on a ballot in New Hampshire this fall, but her re-election could very well be decided by New Hampshire voters. Likewise, you won’t get to pull the lever for John Boehner in November, but your vote could hand him one of the most powerful jobs in the world. They didn’t cover that part in School House Rock.
Control of the U.S. House of Representatives could very well swing with New Hampshire’s two representatives. Of the thousands of votes our representative take over the next two years, none will do more to shape the legislative agenda more than their first; whether to elect Pelosi or Boehner as speaker.
Some results that are sure to get people chattering this weekend. Magellan Strategies, an autodial firm out of Colorado, has Kelly Ayotte with a 13-point lead over Ovide Lamontagne, with Bill Binnie and Jim Bender in the teens:
Read the full poll here. It surveyed 887 Republicans and independents who intend to vote in the primary. It has all four candidates with remarkably high name ID, which I find surprising given the disparity of TV penetration between the campaigns.
It’s going to be an interesting 11 days.
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