Author Archive


April 3, 2011Karl Zahn

I stumbled across an article recently about this small town in the Czech Republic, Pilsen, and the rather remarkable citizens that live there. Actually, what is most remarkable about the people of Pilsen is that there are not more like them, and even more remarkable…why such a moving story is not retold more often.
They [...]

The Art Of The Deal

March 13, 2011Karl Zahn

When you stop and think about it, our justice system has, for decades now, operated more like a used car lot than the lofty dispensary of justice that we imagine it to be. Still the best system in the world? Maybe, but something went wrong somewhere along the line. Maybe there’s just plain [...]

A Shot Across the Bow

March 6, 2011Karl Zahn

Imagine trying to use an old rotary phone dial on a new cell phone, or Ford Model A tires on a new BMW. Sometimes, this is what I feel we are trying to do, when adapting notions and laws from over 200 years ago and trying to apply them to a society gone slightly [...]

It’s Not Easy Being Green

March 1, 2011Karl Zahn

One of my favorite songs, and covered by everyone from Van Morrison to Kermit the Frog…”It’s Not Easy Being Green”, takes on an entirely new meaning when applied to saving the planet. Before I get accused of being a knee-jerk naysayer, let me remind the reader that I have espoused my views on “Global [...]

As it should be

February 20, 2011Karl Zahn

Every now and again we are offered a glimpse of a more perfect world. It’s different for everyone, but I think in every journey through life, occasionally we see something, meet someone, read something or in some other way experience small epiphanies along the way.
One of the hallmarks of the Tea Party movement is [...]

Field of Dreams

February 13, 2011Karl Zahn

Let’s just say that the recent CPAC convention was not exactly a “9″ on the Richter Scale. The gathering of conservative political activists most always portends future political winds. All eyes were on this year given the high stakes of the 2012 Presidential campaign for Republicans. Mitt Romney spoke, still not admitting [...]

Son of a Gun

February 6, 2011Karl Zahn

Hey! Son of a gun…who knew it was a breeze to purchase firearms at a gun show? O.K…calling it “a breeze” may be a little overboard, but I think it’s pretty general knowledge that gun shows have, for a long time, been known as a place to purchase firearms with less scrutiny than at [...]

It’s the Pits

January 30, 2011Karl Zahn

Often in life it is some unexpected event that exposes the true colors of an individual. Talk is cheap, action is King. There are many of us, including myself, who love to opine on our politicians and who leap, like wolverines on a gazelle carcass, when we see an opening. On the [...]

Grief: American Style

January 16, 2011Karl Zahn

When I was young, I vaguely remember a television show called “Love:American Style”. It was one of the first of a new breed of tacky and somewhat callous television programming, though it wouldn’t even be salacious enough for Nick, Jr. by today’s standards. Indeed, in contrast to the world we live in now, [...]

Excessive Excess

January 9, 2011Karl Zahn

One of my favorite writers, George Will, discusses in his most recent column a book by novelist Daniel Akst titled “We Have Met The Enemy:Self-Control in an Age of Excess”. Not the first opinion merchant to tackle the subject, Akst nevertheless does it in a unique way, offering different perspectives on the “good” or [...]

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