April 2, 2011RJursik
The conservative essayist has enjoyed no better time than the present for article topics. The Obama administration is a rich, nugget-encrusted mineshaft of leftist material, a seemingly endless assembly of sacred cows just ripe for rhetorical skewering. Its liberal fellow travelers throughout the states and the world practically beg for ridicule, and I am pleased [...]
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January 21, 2011RJursik
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jack Kimball – warrior.
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October 2, 2010RJursik
Bass is justified to expect that second district conservatives would be loathe to cast a ballot for Anne McLane Kuster - but those same conservatives would be equally justified in demanding a high price to re-elect him.
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September 16, 2010RJursik
NH Rep. Bob Giuda’s US Congressional candidacy was a suicidal vanity act.
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September 2, 2010RJursik
Congressional candidate Jennifer Horn provides a sharp distinction to the President’s evident boredom with economic issues, launching a website this weekend that demonstrably illustrates her fixed focus on unemployment.
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August 19, 2010RJursik
NH Rep. Bob Giuda is a clever legislator with sincere commitment, but he is not ready for primetime. Until he is, he should leave the attacks to people who know what they’re doing.
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July 28, 2010RJursik
No one should be surprised that conservatives - with their fondness for rule of law, stability and tradition - embrace the 2nd Amendment as written and in its larger meaning. The question, rather, is why the left does not
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July 22, 2010RJursik
Sarah Palin has been proven right so many times over these two years that the more substantive discussion should probably be about those times when she has been wrong. And so we turn now to her endorsement of Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire’s US Senate race.
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July 13, 2010RJursik
So the argument goes like this: in this year’s elections, if the Republicans are unable to gain a majority in the US House or Senate, or both, it is actually a GOOD thing.
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July 1, 2010RJursik
Lamontagne demonstrates the ingredient missing in too many other candidates - and of which he evidently has an inexhaustible supply: passion.
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