Author Archive

Health Care: Can the GOP prove it still has a soul?

December 4, 2010Thom Simmons

With Republicans poised to take control of the House of Representatives, there is little doubt that the recently-passed health care bill is up for, shall we say…”discussion.” The fact that Democrats continue to hold the Senate and White House also means that there is no run-away train here when it comes to passing – or [...]

Tackle Gerrymandering and Election Reform, not Term Limits

September 4, 2010Thom Simmons

According to a report from today’s Fox News:
“…Finally, an issue both Democrats and Republicans agree on: term limits. Nearly 8 in 10 American voters like the idea of imposing fixed time limits in office for all members of Congress — including their own senators and representatives.
A Fox News poll released Friday found that 78 percent [...]

‘A Chaisg sona!

April 4, 2010Thom Simmons

DHE, thug mis a fois na h-oidhch an raoir
Chon solus aoibh an la an diugh,
Bi da mo thoir bho sholus ur an la an diugh,
Chon solus iul na siorruidheachd,
O! bho sholus ur an la an diugh,
Gu solus iul na siorruidheachd.
O GOD, who broughtst me from the rest of last night
Unto the joyous light of this [...]

What *is* a Republican?

March 8, 2010Thom Simmons

80% agreement…with what? How Big is the Big Tent?  What makes one “Main Street” vs “Liberty Caucus?”  At what point have you left the party…or has the Party left you?    And what issues are tell-tale “RINO” signs?
Consider my own views below, and then I invite you to vote in a poll at the end.  (Over [...]

What could the Cheshire County GOP be thinking?!

March 1, 2010Thom Simmons

Today I received an email from the Cheshire County GOP, advertising their Lincoln Day Dinner on April 30, featuring, of all people…..ex-US Senator Rick Santorum.
Yes, that Santorum - the one who lost his re-election bid 59% - 41%, the largest defeat for an incumbant US Senator in over 30 years.  The one who insisted that [...]

Fiscal Conservatives: Repeal DOMA if you’re serious

February 24, 2010Thom Simmons

Robert and Carl* are a gay couple who have been together for several years. They live in a state that permits same-sex marriage, and recently tied the knot in a Church ceremony. Like many other married couples, they have established a stable home and are active members of their community. Carl is healthy but lives [...]

Obama on DADT: a pathetic coward

February 2, 2010Thom Simmons

According to this morning’s Washington Post:
<em>In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Michael Mullen also are expected to announce the creation of a group to assess how to carry out a full repeal of the decades-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which requires [...]

HR 3962 (Health Care) - on balance a bad - and dangerous - bill

November 8, 2009Thom Simmons

I am not one of those Republicans who opposes all health care reform. However,  I <strong>strongly </strong> oppose bad reform, and on balance, this bill is very, very bad.
The Good:  The bill removes Insurer’s exemptions from antitrust laws, and creates a national marketplace for shopping for insurance. This is good for consumers, good for competition, [...]

GDP up 3.5%? Obama’s Hollow Cheerleading…

October 31, 2009Thom Simmons

Apparently, we’re supposed to pop the champagne corks and celebrate: GDP is up 3.5%, the recession is over, and the Recovery has begun. At least that’s what the prObama Media outlets and White House are telling us.
My ECO 101 students could do a better job trashing that statistic than most talking heads.
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) [...]

The Unemployment Rate: the Economy is NOT improving…

August 8, 2009Thom Simmons

Some have heralded the “good news” that the Unemployment rate has dropped from a horrific 9.5% all the way down to 9.4% (tongue planted firmly in cheek). This, according to the Obamanauts, shows us that things are turning around.
Bullsh*t. All those loveley orange signs heralding the “American Reinvestment and Recovery Act” Projects seem to be [...]

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