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Town Meetings Support Gay Marriage

March 15, 2010steve vaillancourt

While some of my more conservative Republican brethren (and Union Leader personnel) would have us believe that New Hampshire sent a message against gay marriage at town meeting day last week, just the opposite is in fact true.
Mo Baxley, of the New Hampshire Freedom to Marry Coalition, tells me that 70 towns voted against placing the anti-gay marriage [...]

Rasmussen: Stephen Holds Lynch To 50 Percent

March 11, 2010steve vaillancourt

Hey, no Republican could possibly have thought that John Lynch was going to be in trouble in the Rasmussen poll just out today (5 p.m. Thursday, March 11), but the news isn’t all that bad for the GOP.
After getting upward of 75 percent of the vote in 2006 and just less than that in 2008, [...]

House Republicans (and a few Dems) Repeal Camping Tax

March 11, 2010steve vaillancourt

When all was said and done (depending on which of four recorded votes you look at), it wasn’t even close.  All Republicans except one (Ken Gould of Derry) stood together in repealing the nine percent campground tax this morning.
Realizing they were going to lose on a straight up or down vote, Democrats tried to table [...]

Hodes Trails Two Republicans By Double Digits

March 10, 2010steve vaillancourt

According to a Rasmussen Poll just released (Wednesday, noon), Congressman Paul Hodes is in big trouble, and Democrats better start looking for another U.S. Senate candidate.
Hodes trails both Kelly Ayotte and Bill Binnie by double digits, 47-37 to the former Attorney General and 46-36 to Binnie whose advertising campaign has apparently been well worth the [...]

Norelli Denies Eaton The Chair

March 10, 2010steve vaillancourt

12:07 p.m.  Wednesday, March 10
UPDATE-3:57 P.M.-Norelli has left the chair again.  No, Eaton is not presiding.  This time, it’s Public Works Chair Candace Bouchard (like Shurtleff, from Concord!, unlike Eaton, not ethically impaired).
Normally when House Speaker Terrie Norelli steps down from presiding (for whatever reason, she never explains why and unlike previous speakers, she does this every [...]

Mike Brunelle Lies To Deflect Attention From Democrat Violations

March 9, 2010steve vaillancourt

 Here’s a letter I submitted to Fosters Daily Democrat responding to the latest bit of fiction, the latest slur from Dem Party Executive Director/cop avoider Mike Brunelle.  The fact that he was dwi is one thing; the fact that he attempted to flee from police and still managed to get a position as ethically challenged Buckley’s [...]

Manchester Democrats Have Gone AWOL! Again!

March 8, 2010steve vaillancourt

Ready for a dollop of sarcasm.
Manchester Democratic Representatives took a fine day to revert to their old tactics of disenfranchising voters by not showing up in force.  Last Wednesday, the very day the House was voting on an education funding bill which would have taken no less than $29 million away from Manchester, both needed [...]

Prediction: Gambling Will Pass The Senate, But Fail In The House

March 4, 2010steve vaillancourt

Exactly one year from the day that the New Hampshire House voted 295-72 to kill a gambling bill, orange shirts were out in force in Reps Hall as senators lined up to support a very similar bill, sponsored by–you can guess it–Manchester’s Lou D’Allesandro.  The crowd was so large that senators moved the hearing from room 100 to the [...]

House Democrats Kill Spending Cap Bill

March 3, 2010steve vaillancourt

Like Dracula reacting to a cross or sprig or garlic, House Democrats cowered in fear that the voters might be so bold as to enact spending caps.   By a 202-148 vote, mostly along party lines, the House voted to ITL House Bill 1522 today.
No less than six cities (Manchester, Nashua, Dover, Franklin, Laconia, and Rochester) [...]

February Revenues Off 10 Percent; We’re Off $50 Million for Eight Months

February 26, 2010steve vaillancourt

Monday update-Since this was posted Friday, another $1.2 million came in from tobacco over the weekend and $1.8 million from insurance apparently posted in time to be credited.  So overall, the February total will show $9.3 million off-ten percent off for the month, and the eight month shortfall will be $50 million. 
I’m leaving the original [...]

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