Ayotte Marks 6 Month Anniversary of Obamacare
September 23, 2010Today, Kelly Ayotte’s campaign for US Senate issued the following statement marking the anniversary of Obamacare being signed into law and reminding how Hodes was front and center in ensuring the government takeover occurs.
Six Months Later, Paul Hodes’ Healthcare Takeover Threatens NH Small Businesses, Benefits for Seniors,
And TaxpayersMANCHESTER, NH – Six months after Paul Hodes voted for the $1 trillion federal takeover of health care, former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, highlighted the dire ramifications of the new law on small businesses, seniors and taxpayers.
Ayotte released the following statement:
“Six months after Paul Hodes voted in the dead of night to put government in charge of health care, New Hampshire citizens are more skeptical than ever. Congressman Hodes certainly has a lot of explaining to do.
“After the bill passed, we learned it would cost $115 billion more than originally projected. Seniors are concerned about $500 billion in cuts in Medicare. Small business owners worry about new tax reporting requirements that will raise their compliance costs. Our critical tourism industry says new federal mandates may result in fewer jobs. And New Hampshire’s growing medical device industry reports that new taxes will gut their research and development budgets – making it harder to grow, innovate and create jobs.
“Paul Hodes said this bill would make health care more affordable and bring down costs, but instead we’re seeing the opposite. With our national debt already topping $13 trillion, America can’t afford Paul Hodes’ health care takeover. We need to replace it with market-based reforms that reduce costs, improve quality and expand access.”
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Sep 24, 2010
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