Can a leopard change his spots?
January 1, 2011President Barrack Hussein Obama came into the Oval office with tremendous fanfare in 2008. Hope and Change was the hue and cry he uttered repeatedly to the land. His was the promise of healing of a nation at war both outside its borders and inside our borders and from many angles. No doubt that the task was formidable. In the midst of all this Hope and Change that Obama was doing, Grass Roots America rose up against his socialistic behavior and legislation. As a consequence Obama unwittingly gave birth to the Tea Party Movement and resurgence of Constitutional and Fiscal Conservatism which spread like a wildfire in a wind storm. On November 2, 2010 voters across the nation elected Tea Party Republicans. In just one week we will see the first glimmer of the new 112th Congress.
Here we are at Obama’s Presidential midterm with 2 more years left and the beginnings of a Presidential race. When the President returns from his Hawiian vacation, supposedly he will have read a new book on President Ronald Wilson Reagan and his legacy. And just a few weeks ago we saw the President invite Bill Clinton to the White House podium in an effort to be seen as moving to the center. Can the leopard become a lamb? It has always been about what Obama does verses what he says. You remember when he said, “you could keep your doctor and medical plan” under his proposal with the intent all along was to create a 100% Federal Goverment run plan. Yea, that kind of thinking…you remember his Green Czar, Van Jones, the top down, bottom up avowed communist guy that was big on ideas of Revolution. Ahhh the Change part, Righhht. Glenn Beck and Fox News exposed him to the light of day. As Michelle Malkin said,” like shining a light on a cockroach.”
This leopard, Obama is a socialist, hardboiled or soft, he is a socialist with a socialist anti-colonialist mindset. As long as you look at what Obama does, then he cannot change the deep rooted socialist spots that he wears.
I did not take anytime to write all of Obama’s failed policies in this article as my point would have been lost in his failures as President, failures in leadership, failures in healing, failures in free-market principles and his real desire to Change America from the Bottom Up and the Top Down.