Jun 20, 2013
by RedHampshire on Jun 20, 2013 in Memes, Newsworthy | 0 comments
House and Senate budget negotiators reached a deal early Thursday morning - around 3:30am - and returned later Thursday to put the finishing stamp of approval on it.
The result? The House Democrats caved on nearly every one of the Senate Republican priorities.
More detail to follow soon.
May 3, 2013
by RedHampshire on May 3, 2013 in Memes | 0 comments
“They told me they’d give me my money back…”

May 3, 2013
by RedHampshire on May 3, 2013 in Commentary, Memes | 0 comments
”Post-partisan” nice guy John Lynch left office with record high approval ratings. In December 2012, he was on NHPR and spoke his mind on expanded gaming saying, “I think it’s a bad idea,” and that it would have a, “…negative impact, long-term.”
Just 2 months after this interview, his successor proposed a state budget plan based on expanded gaming.
To our knowledge, Lynch has said nothing.
Whether your pro-casino or anti-casino, this is a clear indication that the Democratic party is more interested in the politics of expanded gaming, hoping for a political victory for the Governor, than they are about their party leader(s) discussing the possible negative impacts.
May 1, 2013
by RedHampshire on May 1, 2013 in Memes, Newsworthy | 0 comments
During the last legislative term, the Republican lead House and Senate passed a number of meaningful reforms to the business tax environment in our state. After all, prior to Republicans winning back the majority in 2010, Democrats had raised 100 taxes and fees, contributing to the state raking near the bottom of the many business friendliness rankings.
So along comes Gov. Hassan, who used the word “innovation” dozens of times in her inaugural address, and proposes that these business tax reforms be suspended before they even take effect. That is a very innovative approach to helping our small business community, no?
Republicans on the House finance committee offered amendments to the budget that would have deleted the repeal of these reforms from the budget. Dems voted it down in committee and on the House floor in April.
$43million coming right out of the pockets of businesses across the state that would otherwise be used to grow, invest and create jobs.
We’re hopeful the Senate version of the budget sets this straight.