CD 1 Republicans Wary of Palin
December 9, 2009It appears that while former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may be drawing huge crowds on her book tour, it appears that Granite Staters in the 1st Congressional District are a little wary of her potential run for President in 2012. This is according to a poll out today of 543 CD 1 residents by Cross Target polling. It carries a margin of error of 4.2%.
Do you think Sarah Palin should run for the Republican Nomination for president in 2012?
1. Yes 35.7%
2. No 42.4%
3. No opinion 21.9%Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as President of The United States?
1. Qualified 46.8%
2. Not qualified 36.1%
3. Not sure 17.1%
While, the poll is only a sample of the First District and it is still more then a year before the NH Primary seriously begins, it is still telling as to how Granite Staters view her and her potential candidacy. There is still a long ways to go, but is an interesting snapshot as to what voters are thinking today.
John DiStaso also teased that there would be polling data on the CD 1 race released tomorrow.
More to come later.