Cheney to GOP: ‘It would be a mistake for us to moderate’

May 8, 2009Tom DeRosa

Ben Smith has a full transcript of a Cheney radio interview. Not much new stuff in there except for the Vice-President weighing in on whether or not the GOP needs to “moderate” in order to rebound from the 2006 and 2008 elections.

I think it would be a mistake for us to moderate. This is about fundamental beliefs and values and ideas … what the role of government should be in our society, and our commitment to the Constitution and constitutional principles. You know, when you add all those things up, the idea that we ought to moderate basically means we ought to fundamentally change our philosophy. I for one am not prepared to do that, and I think most of us aren’t. Most Republicans have a pretty good idea of values, and aren’t eager to have someone come along and say, ‘Well, the only way you can win is if you start to act more like a Democrat.’

I agree with Cheney and personally think that this debate is being fueled by a liberal media. The media constantly pushes stories of “the collapse of the Republican Party” because people like Arlen Specter leave the party for political gain or Colin Powell (who endorsed Barack Obama purely on race) say we need to moderate.

We need to stand firm in our commitment to the Constitution and limited government and hold onto Republican values and principles. Or act like Democrats and continue on the path to socialism.

Tom DeRosa

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5 Responses to “Cheney to GOP: ‘It would be a mistake for us to moderate’”

  1. Author

    Oh, absolutely, we should all listen to Mr. Twenty-one Percent Approval Rating. No question he has the solution to what ails the Grand Old Party and what it needs to win.

  2. Author

    Yes, Cheney is a fine example of a principled, winning coalition. An entire generation has grown up believeing that the GOP stands for the shredding of the Constitution, Government peering into the library records of private citizens, waterboarding, Abu Ghraib, no-bid Halliburton contracts, Blackwater massacres, National Guardsmen and women sacrificed for a “Mission Accomplished,” suspension of Habeaus corpus, and the constant nasty, heartless, mean-spirited pounding of Americans by Rush Limbaugh.

    Yes, Cheney is right. Any attempt to moderate or modify the image of the GOP might actually result in victories, and we wouldnt want to go THAT far, would we?

  3. Author

    The Republicans have been moderating positions for the last 10 years and have been pounded in pudding in the last couple of elections. If you want to win then I’d suggest stop being the Pepsi to the Dems Coke. If you try to be more like Mountain Dew maybe with a real choice between the parties maybe you can turn it around. (I stole that analogy from Gov. Jesse Venture, Thanks Jesse!) Come out and tell people you want to cut the size of the Federal Government and do it when you get there. Study and follow the Constitution. Bring back the reverence of the teachings of the Founding Fathers that Ronald Regan had. They understood human nature better then everyone in Washington and Concord combined. Be optimistic about this country, it is still the best country in world and it would and could be even better if we just listened to the Founders and follow the Constitution. Moderating hasn’t helped one bit… in my less then humble opinion.

  4. Author

    Certainly Colin Powell is wrong when he says people want to pay more taxes and they want more govt, but Dick Cheney is also wrong. Can’t we find some Republicans who dedicate themselves to less govt without adventuring around the world and stepping on the Constitution? My suggestion-Neal Kurk for President-or at least Governor. After Lynch signs gay marriage, that is.

    Steve V

  5. Author

    Mr. Cheney. please shut up. With Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney out there representing our party, we can expect nothing more than continued losses. Dont get me wrong, I listen to Rush as often as possible and I enjoy the show. It’s just that these two have been so compromised by their arrogant, combative style that they do nothing but hurt us every time they open their mouthes to the national media. Some people just dont understand when it is time to step out of the spotlight for the good of the party.



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