Cornerstone Goes After Lynch With New TV and Radio Ads
October 4, 2010Today, Cornerstone announced a new series of ads hitting JOhn Lynch for changing over his 6 years in office. The ads and press release can be found below.
TV ad:
Radio Ad:
Ads Highlight John Lynch’s Record as Governor of Saying One Thing but Doing Another - Including Allowing Early Release of Sexual Predators
Manchester, NH – Today, Cornerstone Action in cooperation with the National Organization for Marriage launched a massive television and radio buy on WMUR, cable networks, and radio stations statewide. The new ads, titled “He’s Changed” highlight Governor Lynch’s record of saying one thing, but doing another, specifically in the areas of: raising business taxes, increasing spending, allowing early parole for violent and sexual offenders, and signing gay marriage into law.
The new ads begin airing this morning and run through Wednesday, October 13th. The total buy between the two is about $450k. Commenting on the new ads was Cornerstone Action Executive Director, Kevin Smith:
“Governor Lynch has an abysmal record of saying one thing, but doing another. The icing on the cake though was John Lynch earlier this year selling the legislature and the public a bill of goods by insisting that violent criminals and sexual predators would not be released early as part of his new early parole law. Of all the things to mislead the public on, this one has to be the most despicable. Why won’t the Governor just admit that this bill is letting out sexual offenders early when it has been so well documented now? The Governor owes us all, but most importantly, the victims a big apology for not telling the truth and compromising public safety because of it.”
According to the October 1, 2010 edition of the Conway Daily Sun (CDS, 10/1/10), it was revealed that three-time sexual offender, Michael Seibel, who recently violated his parole for stalking a teenage girl, will only serve 90 days in prison instead of what would have likely been five years because of the new early parole law.
Earlier this year, the National Organization for Marriage launched its “Lynch Lied” campaign which featured a television ad along the same theme as well as an interactive website:
SEE the new TV ad “He’s Changed“ by clicking HERE (or pasting:
HEAR the new radio “He’s Changed” by clicking HERE (or pasting:
Below is the script of the new tv ad, “He’s Changed.”
John Lynch has changed.
SUPER: “…not looking at increasing the business taxes”
October 1, 2008
Lynch promised not to increase business taxes…
SUPER: “New Tax Angers NH Small Businesses”
December 17, 2009
…then increased them.
SUPER: “…we cut spending…”
January 21, 2010
He claimed to cut state spending…
SUPER: “Budget Reality; Spending Without Looking”
Union Leader
May 31, 2010
…but increased spending 27%.
SUPER: “…it’s going to make New Hampshire safer.”
Governor Lynch’s spokesperson Colin Manning
He promised his prisoner release plan would make us safer.
SUPER: “You are a danger. You are a predator. I think it’s disgusting we have to parole you out.”Mark Furlone, Adult Parole Board
But Lynch’s plan is releasing violent predators into our communities.
And gay marriage?
Lynch from Debate:
“I do not support gay marriage”
Lynch signed gay marriage into the law, and now…
SUPER: “Lynch Speaks at National Gay Donor Event”
Concord Monitor
July 10, 2010
…he’s raising thousands from out of state gay marriage activists.
John Lynch has changed, but not for the better.
Cornerstone-Action is the legislative and issue advocacy arm of Cornerstone Policy Research.
Cornerstone Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit education and research organization dedicated to the preservation of strong families, limited government and free markets.
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