Endorsing Kelly Ayotte, but not Jennifer Horn
July 31, 2010Dear Ms Palin: You’ve endorsed your fellow “mama grizzly” Kelly Ayotte, which I understand and respect. However, you’ve received much criticism, and even ridicule from the Manchester Union Leader. Kelly’s not catching on as much as she can because she was John Cornyn’s anointed candidate, with all the K Street fundraisers.
You may see Kelly as the best candidate to block “intellectual liberal” Bill Binnie. However, this race also has two other conservative candidates: Jim Bender, who, while not pro-life, would have rejected Sonia Sotomayor (unlike Ayotte) and Ovide Lamontagne, who has a 25 year track record of conservative stances, and who I am personally supporting.
There’s also a race going on in NH-2 for Congress. Three candidates are running: Charlie Bass, a socially liberal, big spending, pro-cap-and-trade member of Congress swept out in the 2006 tide, Bob Giuda, a staunch conservative who hasn’t caught on beyond the Ron Paul crowd, and Jennifer Horn, 2008’s GOP candidate. Jennifer is a fiscal and social conservative, who is extremely articulate and personable, and who has the proven ability to relate to both primary and general election voters.
I would argue that you have a far more clear-cut case for endorsing Jennifer Horn than you did for Kelly Ayotte. Jennifer’s chief opponent was part of the so-called Republican Main Street partnership, which got funds from George Soros. Jennifer also has another right-leaning candidate in her primary (Bob Giuda), so right now there are two conservatives running against one RINO. Endorsing Jennifer would energize the base against Charlie Bass, and perhaps also prevent Bob from splitting the conservative vote come September 14th. She will likely face Ann McLane Kuster in the primary, a complete leftist.
I urge you to check out jenniferhorn.org, and reach out to her assuming you already haven’t done so, and provide her your endorsement.
New Hampshire
Jul 31, 2010
Jim Bender is most certainly pro-life! Please read his practical positions on sex ed, partial birth, parental notification, etc, on his website. He stated he was pro-life in a recent UL article as well.
He is probably the ONLY constitutional candidate of the bunch.
Jul 31, 2010
Jim Bender is Pro- Life, and Bob Giuda has a resume that makes Jenn Horn look quite “wet behind the ears”. The only thing that Horn brings to the table (other than being a nice lady)is that her name is recognized from a previous run. If tea party people would unite behind Giuda, the name would have been out there months ago. I say I’ve had enough of inexperience, and “feel” good candidates. I want someone to go to DC and wage “war”.. Giuda and Bender are a DREAM TEAM!
D.J. Bettencourt
Aug 1, 2010
I know this may not make me popular with many of my friends but I would like to offer this observation to my fellow New Hampshire Republicans: Sarah Palin is poison, stay away!
Additionally, as a matter of factual accuracy, Jim Bender is PRO-CHOICE. He has been straight forward about this position since he entered the race.
Aug 3, 2010
This is what he says on his website:
State government has the responsibility to regulate in this area without interference from any branch of the Federal government. I believe in strong parental consent laws, I oppose Federal funding for abortion and I support the ban on partial birth abortions. I believe that this is a very difficult decision and should be decided by a woman in the privacy of her doctor’s office.
Republican debate highlights Bass weaknesses « Primary Wire
Sep 11, 2010
[...] as one panelist noted, Horn has failed to gather endorsements from national conservatives like Sarah Palin — likely a sore point for the self-proclaimed mama grizzly in this race. She has also [...]