Guinta’s Closing Ad: “Not Talking”
October 29, 2010Frank Guinta released his closing ad today that sets the stage for why CSP should be retired back to Rochester.
Frank Guinta released his closing ad today that sets the stage for why CSP should be retired back to Rochester.
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Tweets that mention » Guinta’s Closing Ad: “Not Talking” --
Oct 29, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Red Hampshire, Dan Edmonds. Dan Edmonds said: RT @RedHampshire: Guinta’s Closing Ad: “Not Talking”: #RedHamp [...]
Oct 30, 2010
The Speaker of the House (be it the US House or the NH House) usually doesn’t vote: the bills she does vote on are unusual in one way or another. She votes when the bill is especially momentous (e.g., the healthcare bill), or to break or create a tie. She also votes on certain procedural issues. Guinta knows how a House of Representatives works: he served in the NH House and was also a Congressional aide to Jeb Bradley. He knows this ad is a lie.
BTW, I voted with Terie Norelli 50% of the time in 2010: she cast two votes, and I agreed with her once.
Matt Suermann
Oct 30, 2010
Former Rep. Horrigan-
So just because Nancy Pelosi doesn’t vote that means she doesn’t support any legislation in the House? COME ON! Granite Staters are smart enough to know that CSP has voted lock step with her party bosses.
I guess this also means that CSP’s and DCCC’s ads linking Jeb Bradley to Bush (who didn’t have a vote in the house) are all wrong ). Same with Annie Kuster’s and Paul Hodes ads that linked Charlie Bass to Bush. You must not condone those ads either. I hope that you call your Democrat leadership and ask them to pull the ads currently running and ask them to apologize for using this line of attack in the past.