I See The Light
February 25, 2011Take Heart, if there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel and I firmly believe there is, it is the 2012 Elections for President and for Senate. Every day brings us closer.
The rallying of Democrats behind Unions, is all the Democrats have today. That is it!
Gone are the masses of true John F. Kennedy Democrats, today they are few scattered, disillusioned. Progressive Socialists, communists, Obama Cult followers have replaced them.
I am afraid 2012 will not bode well for Obama and Progressives.
I believe, no matter how much money the Unions give them, no matter howmany times Andy Stearn of SEIU and Trumka of AFL-CIO visit the White House they will fall.
America is not asleep anymore, that is why! We are damn wide awake! In fact our eyes are popping out of our head with all the Democratic, Union Socialist Crap being thrown at us. And the threats? All from the far Left! Tucson is still in mourning and the left lashes out for blood, cross-hairs on Governors heads and the smearing of Nazi propaganda on a state and legislators that have taken over a broken system that is Billions in debt.
The true ugliness of the far left is visible everyday.
I do predict, with God’s help, America will respond in November 2012, not just in a small way, but in fact, so huge will be the groundswell against Democrats and Obama that the wave will destroy the cancer they spread.
I believe that they Democrats, Progressive, Unions, Communists and the like, are aware of this real possibility, accordingly they have two years with which to alter, destroy and irrevocably change the fabric of America. Obama meets with Unions today to formulate a strategy. More protests are coming for sure, but the more they protest, the more it will backfire, unless violence breaks out. That is their only hope! And we will not give that to them.
Patriotic Americans must be vigilant, prayerful and calm as we have the true and best interest of America in each and every one of our hearts. With Almighty God as our leader we will prevail.
November 2012 is Coming
God Bless America
Feb 27, 2011
Oh, yes. Just like the Tea Party supporter at a rally in Boston that Sarah Palin hosted, he had a sign that said: “I can see November from my house!”
This exceptional country needs a true leader. Not Obama, but a conservative who believes that America can succeed by adhering to the Instruction Manual, if you will, that the founders left us.
Obama has not been adhering to that at all. Look at ObamaCare! It is a violation, I think, of the 10th Amendment, among other things.
Like Donald Trump said: “If I were to run for President and win, this country will be respected again.”
I believe that holds true for many, if not all the conservative (potential) candidates.
We have also been portrayed by the far left as racists and hatemongerers. Not true.
We are Americans who are fed up with what Washington has been doing and want to return to the conservative principles that our country started with.
Now, let’s make it happen in 2012, shall we?
Thank you conserv-ed. That is a true, conservative post.