White House and UNION Battle Wisconsin Legislature

February 18, 2011conserv-ed

It is the Unions prerogative, in Wisconsin, to stage protests when state budget shortfalls are in the Billions (with a B) .  Revenue is not just down, it is kicked in the teeth.  Wisconsin is asking for a small portion of Medical to be covered by teachers.  Private sector pays high portion of Medical.

Look for a UNION Protest coming to a state near you!

The White  House, it has been said by some in the media, is not just supporting the protests, they are helping to orchestrate them in several  states.  It is True.   Some protesters are encouraging college and high school kids to get involved in the Wisconsin protests too. These are youth that have yet to pay taxes and earn a paycheck, never mind raise a family.  What is next? Foment violence? Are Union folks using the Egypt protests to press the world for change?

If that is true, then who the hell is our President? What is he President of?  Is he still a subversive community organizer at heart?  What?   What good will come of the protests? Why does Obama want an Internet Kill Switch?


Nearly 20% of the folks across the country ain’t working.

The percent unemployed that is reported does not include those that stopped looking for work.  No work, no money, and no revenue. Translation? We must all tighten our belts collectively.  Two years ago, the tone was set by Democrats in support of Unions under Obama and Biden.

Unions have has lunch with Obama at the White House so many times that they have a car, driver and Union menu all set for Andy Stern president of the Service Employees International Union among others.  GOOD FOR AMERICA? YOU DECIDE.

Two Democrats in New Hampshire fought for Unions this past November, Carol Shea Porter and the other guy, Paul (the union guy)  Hodes.  The Unions came out each time there was a debate.  Even with every other person on the street with a sign being a Union employee in November, there were 1000 times that many New Hampshire resident non-union voters at home or work trying hard just to make ends meet for their families and put food on the table and pay taxes.

On November 2nd the voters of New Hampshire spoke by rejecting candidates that were for lack of a better phrase, in bed with the Unions because there was a quid pro quo (this for that).  Fund my campaign and I will support your Union agenda, the Democrats said.  The Democrats supported ACORN, SEIU, AFL-CIO and others that used thuggery, and mob style Chicago tactics.

Are these Unions good for America or are they at the highest levels subversive in nature?  You decide.

In some cases a person must go Union in order to get hired. For some there is little choice and the Unions want it that way. Even the teachers and firefighters?  Cronyism and tenure for poor performance is an acceptable practice in some cases.

Big Unions have been largely given a pass on ObamaCare.  They do not have to comply because they are friends with Obama.  Really? What does being a friend really mean? ObamaCare at this juncture has been struck down until the Supreme Court weighs in on it.


Thank Obama and Democratic Congress and Senate under Pelosi and Reid that the 742  BILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS  for Pork and Union Cronyism.

Thank the Democratic controlled Congress that allowed Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to give BILLIONS IF NOT TRILLIONS in loans to anyone that could breath air.

Thank Democrat Barney Frank, Reid and Pelosi Union supporters for the bad loans that were split into millions of pieces and stuck into good loans. And Freddie and Fannie are still in business?



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7 Responses to “White House and UNION Battle Wisconsin Legislature”

  1. Author

    they have actually stopped using that mantra, now it’s republicans are radicals, reckless and tyrants, the more they eyll the mor people will remmber them in 2012. 2012 for republicans will make 2010 look like a cakewalk, people are fed up with this crap from unions and democrats.

  2. Author

    Yes, I agree. This is still breaking news. Union protests have now spread to Ohio today and to other states tomorrow. I am informed that this is a White House orchestrated action, some have evidence. That’s funny, I thought Obama was President of all America.

    Below is just one of many articles surfacing on this issue. If this is how the President wants to lead, I hope my Congressman Guinta and Senator Ayotte have something to say ASAP


  3. Author

    Folks, sorry I changed the title. This is breaking news that Obama’s Political Action Committee is involved directly in busing thousands to protest. The Unions are now in the halls of the Ohio Legislature as well as Wisconsin.
    In an interview just yesterday Obama said, Oh, I heard about Wisconsin but I am having enough of a hard time with my Budget in Washington.
    That was a Lie!
    Obama was fully engaged in Wisconsin because of his PAC!

  4. Author

    Would You Support Bill That Would End Collective Bargaining With Public Employees to Save Taxpayer Money? Take the Fox Poll today.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/02/18/decide-support-end-collective-bargaining-public-employees-save-taxpayer-money/#ixzz1EVeAbCzW

    Roughly 89% of respondents said they would support a Bill to End to Collective Bargaining for Public Employees to save Taxpayer Money!


  5. Author

    Here is a list of all the GOP members of the NH House that voted against HB 474, the Right to Work bill. If they are going to side with Democrats and the unions they need to be voted out of office come next election:

    Bolster, Peter
    Brownrigg, Randall
    Buxton, Michael
    Case, Frank
    Chirichiello, Brian
    Copeland, Timothy
    Day, Russell
    Devine, James
    Dowling, Patricia
    Dwinell, Richard
    Ferrante, Beverly
    Gonzalez, Carlos
    Gould, Kenneth
    Hopper, Gary
    Katsakiores, Phyllis
    Lockwood, Priscilla
    Luther, Robert
    McCarthy, Michael
    McKinney, Betsy
    Messier, Irene
    Millham, Alida
    Palmer, Barry
    Pepino, Leo
    Pilliod, James
    Proulx, Mark
    Quandt, Marshall
    Quandt, Matt
    Remick, William
    Richardson, Herbert
    Russell, David
    Sapareto, Frank
    Soltani, Tony
    St. Cyr, Jeffrey
    Stroud, Kathleen
    Terrio, Ross
    Tholl, John
    Tremblay, Marc
    Waddell, James
    Webb, James
    Welch, David

  6. Author

    Thanks dbnh77 That is quite a list. Wow! Do you think current events changed their minds?

    Bottom line on Public Unions is that there is no bargaining table that the voters/tax payer can sit at to bargain with them. It is all one sided, that is why Public Unions are not good for America among other nefarious reasons for Big Unions in General.

  7. Author

    Mother in Wisconsin ticked off on Fox this AM that Teachers teach students Unions are all good. Protect the worker. Teachers picture is only one sided and biased.


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