It’s Official for Gatsas

June 8, 2009Tom DeRosa

This evening Ward 2 Alderman and State Senator Ted Gatsas formally announced that he is running for Mayor of Manchester. Gatsas, a Manchester native, told a narrative of labor and love for the city that he has lived in his entire life. From his days at Central High School to his days at Staffing Network an employee-leasing company (founded with his brother Michael), that grew to be one of the largest employers in New England, Senator Gatsas made clear his love for the Queen City.

“The combination of my diverse business experience and local and state government experience will allow me to effectively lead this city and its people at a time when we need leadership most.”

Senator Gatsas answered the call to public service and did so in a bipartisan way that demanded results and always placed solutions above politics. 

“10 years ago I embarked on a journey of public service to my city and my state. Over the course of that time I worked day in and day out to be a good steward of the trust and confidence my constituents put in me. I worked in a bipartisan way to build support for responsible budgets, solutions to the education funding crisis, more favorable utility rates, tax exemptions for senior citizens, and more efficient and effective city and state government. And I made it a point to ask the tough question so we could find the right solutions. During my time in government I have always put solutions before politics.”

Tom DeRosa

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7 Responses to “It’s Official for Gatsas”

  1. Author

    Let me the first to contratulate Ted Gatsas for stepping forward to run for Mayor, he may not have all the answers and he could lose however Sen. Gatsas has the business experience, the political experiencd and best of all he has the bucks to pu on onr hell of a campaign, if he by some circustances not win they we have individuals like Will Infantine and Rob Wieczorek that could be winners As for John Stephen he is paper skin Republican Republican (RINO and Glen Ouellette is a bad joke.What I wouls like to see soem woment dandidates in the Mayoral racefrom either party.

  2. Author

    Making the prediction that Gatsas is the next mayor. Taking all bets. Gatsas will take at least 45% in the primary. The Dems of Manchester are in for a flogging this year. Wieczorek is his campaign manager so I am guessing he is not running. LOL.

  3. Author

    Paid Democratic troublemaker Mike Brunelle, hopefully not driving drunk to get to the event, must have been alarmed at the outstanding turnout for the Gatsas announcement.
    My favorite line was what I hope will become the theme for his campaign, in fact for all campaigns in the near term, “We must do more with less.”

    Sadly, I just received my Manchester property tax bill, way up due to last year’s six percent increase and not yet reflective of this year’s three percent raise hike which, we must admit, was engineered by Ted. I support him because, like Guinta, he’s the best we can hope for.

  4. Author

    Also excited to see Gatsas in the race. And from the shots I saw of the event, it looks like he is pulling out all the stops (as usual) in this campaign. I’m looking forward to a blowout in November.

    On a related note, David Boutin has leaked his intention to run for the (soon to be) vacated SD16 Senate seat. Look for an in depth analysis of that race to come. I think this could be an interesting circumstance where Rep. Boutin could benefit greatly if the Senate election coincides with the Mayoral election. But that would mean Gatsas would have to resign sooner rather than later.

    Lastly, Steve V, I continually find myself being the keeper of relevancy on this site. Snarky comments about political operatives are not going to win us elections. There are plenty of credible ways to slam the Democrats (17 1/2 in last year’s budget) that will not destroy our credibility.

  5. Author

    Hey JR, you make your comments and I’ll make mine. I have never told you what to say and never will…nor do I expect you to serve as the “snarky” police. If people don’t like snarky, they can just skip over it. No one is forcing you to read anything I write. If you’re referring to Brunelle, if you don’t find it amazing that shortly after he was not only convicted of dwi but also ran away from police…shortly after that he was put on the Dem payroll…if you find that snarky and irrelent, that’s your right, but it’s my right to point out this guy is like pond scum. Take it from someone who knows; he did seven of the most vile and irrelevent mailings against me, a lowly Rep, that you could imagine last November, and I still managed to top the ticket, snarkiness and all. Yes, JR, I will avoid reading your posts in the future, but I will never attempt to censor you.

  6. Author

    I am just concerned about how third parties observing the conversation within the GOP on this site might view how we get our message across. I am one who is concerned that a plurality of Americans see Rush Limbaugh as the voice of the Republican Party. I would think you agree with me on that. There is a big difference between advice and censorship.

    And, Steve, I didn’t want to mention this but a former city Republican chairman told me you have a similar incident on your record. He told me this years ago, so maybe I have it confused but I thought sure he said something about I-93 and Derry, Untrue?

  7. Author

    I’ve admitted that on my tv show. In fact, I’ve used it as a lesson in how one should learn. 25 years ago is a little different than two years ago and trying to run from police. Glad to see you’re talking with one of the all time slugs of the Republican Party, Marc Pappas…who probably was guilty in Phonegate (maybe that’s why he mysteriously left NH). With Brunelle, shortly after his dwi, he was on the 11 pm Channel 9 news from some bar, talking about a sports event… 25 years ago is a little different than two years ago, running from police at the same time.

    Here you are JR, trying to the the thought police and you choose to use this web site to bring up a 25 year old event. Why kind of sublime hypocrite are you. At least, I don’t hide under a two-letter initial. Maybe we should find out who you are and go digging into your life history and out you here.


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