Lynch must veto the budget
May 5, 2009My father loved a good fight and he fought for many years to “Ax the Tax” for New Hampshire’s hard working men and women.
Some thirty-eight years ago my father wrote an article titled the “The Power to Destroy” and in it he said:
“Taxation without representation was the firebrand that touched off our American Revolution. Now, two hundred years later, we have taxation without responsible representation and often with misrepresentation.”
“The power to tax is the power to destroy!”
“Slowly, but at a relentlessly increasing rate, we are destroying the American Republic by confiscating through taxation an ever increasing amount of every citizen’s property. With every tax imposed, a freedom is lost.”
“Thus, with a rapidly shrinking purchasing power of our dollars, we are faced with the problem of paying off a constantly rising public debt, one that now averages almost $4,000 for every man, woman and child in America.”
Today, each citizen’s share of the debt is $36,539 dollars and predicted to sharply rise due to the recent spending in Washington, DC. Here in New Hampshire, our 11.5 billion dollar state budget passed by the New Hampshire House and sent to the Senate is not sustainable.
Just look what the House passed these last few weeks. a Tobacco tax with a 35 cent increase per pack, a Rooms and Meals tax which will increase to 8.75 %, a Gambling tax that will be 10% of your winnings, a Death tax of 8 %, a Capitol Gains tax of 5 %, and a Gas and Diesel tax which will increase another 15 cents per gallon.
Enough is enough. Join me and other tax payers to send a clear message to our elected officials that if they vote to pass any tax increases and or fees on our citizens during this major recession we will vote you out of office.
I call on Governor Lynch today to stand up for our taxpayers and tell our lawmakers that he will VETO HB 2, the budget, if it comes to his desk with increased taxes during this recession.
Our government was formed to serve the people and provide us with only the basic essentials, yet look at what is happening. We the taxpayers will soon be total servants to our government. We must insist, that our state and federal government, like us, live within our means. I for one, refuse to become a servant to a government who is more concerned with sticking their greedy hand in our pockets and extracting more of our hard earned money to build a bigger government.
I choose to live by our famous state motto; “Live Free or Die.”