Lynch Mouthpiece Pam Walsh Costs Lynch Credibility

September 5, 2010fairmind

You know Lynch is having a bad year when he loses his best friend Mark Bodi, when Bodi refused to go away quietly at the behest of Lynch (through Lynch’s lawyer of course). Then Lynch gets slapped in the face when John Stephen (Lynch’s former HHS Director) jumps into the race for governor which is causing Lynch fits. Then Lynch rehires Benson appointee Kelly Ayotte over the rants and screams of his own party only to lose her to a more than likely U.S. Senate seat. The FRM scandal is about to hit his desk since a report by his own party controlled committee attacked the agencies under Lynch’s direct command, and then Hurricane Earl takes a right instead of a left (yes this pun is intended) and leaves NH dry as the tear Benson will shed when Lynch loses the governorship. But, even with all of the bad news Lynch is having this year, now comes the frosting on the upside down pineapple cake. Pam Walsh, who has a well deserved reputation for being nastier than Ray Buckley and Kathy Sullivan combined has just been slammed in an article by Tom Fahey of the Union Leader for earning consulting fees while being on Lynch’s payroll. Pam Walsh’s answer? Wily Walsh “…the payment was for work [I] did on [my] own time, outside the office.” Really Pammy Walshy? Work you did on your own time? And what exactly is the work you were doing one must ask. Are you the person who wrote the speech for Lynch when he snuck off to meet with the gazillionaire gay lobby group in May? Or are you the one that picks out his LL Bean raincoats for floods and hurricanes? What in the world can Walsh be getting paid for with side money? Where does she get the time for side work? This stinks bad and Lynch must be shaking his head wondering why in the world he let go of a 59% populraity rating and left with a decent reputation instead of dealing with all of this nonsense. Where does the side money come from? Lynch is having such a bad year and so much of his veneer is coming off that it seems that even Pam “just put glue on the situation” Walsh will not be able to fix this John Humpty Dumpty Lynch mess she just created. The GOP needs to run with this and NOT let this go. .


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One Response to “Lynch Mouthpiece Pam Walsh Costs Lynch Credibility”

  1. Author

    The Pammy Walshy story is going to go viral and she deserves everything she gets because there is no bigger hater in politics than her, and that says a lot.


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