My Blood
September 20, 2009I am on record many times, both on radio and on stage, saying how much I like Barack Obama on a purely personal level. Although I worked for Senator McCain’s campaign and was, and am, a staunch supporter, from early in the presidential campaign I expressed my admiration for Obama. He is bright, funny, personable, and largely self-made from humble beginnings. The part about “liking him”, though…that has changed.
There is barely a day that passes that something astonishing does not come rumbling out of this White House. It’s hard to keep up with. From the radical views of our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, who supported and aided in what is now the scheduled release of 75,000 felons from California’s prisons, to the new Federal Communications Commission director Mark Lloyd who is busy engineering a new, sleuth Fairness Doctrine, this administration seems increasingly reckless.
Just this week, an announcement that we will essentially dismantle our missile-defense system, in the face off the increasingly real prospect of a nuclear Iran and North Korea, both countries that are ruled by psychopaths. Stunning. The vodka must be flowing in the Kremlin. President Reagan must be spinning in his grave. I remember how surreal the idea of his “Star Wars” defense system seemed at the time. Now, in hindsight, he was a visionary.
This is more than simple “policy” stuff. These kinds of sweeping changes, particularly coupled with our demise as a financial super-power, seem to me to be an almost deliberate effort to make us as vulnerable as possible to the rest of the world. I wonder at times, if Obama’s ascension to the White House is not the ultimate hijacking. Remember the Gandhi-like patience of the 9/11 hijackers? Flight school…years of planning, the patience of spiders quietly spinning their web, self-assured in the eventual efficacy of their work.
So, as if all of this were not enough, and the above is just the tip of the iceberg, the thing that bothers me most about this President and his cronies, is the New Racism they have introduced to America.
I wrote weeks ago about the Henry Gates incident, the Harvard Professor who accused a Cambridge, Mass cop of being a racist. Our President went off teleprompter during a press conference on health care, just long enough to expose himself, when he said that the “Cambridge Police acted stupidly”. Just animation away from being Reverend Wright himself.
Then, just days ago, during a joint session of Congress held to discuss, surprise, health care “reform”, a South Carolina Congressman, Joe Wilson, yelled out “liar” as the President reassured Americans that illegal immigrants would not be covered under this new plan, and that there would be no additional cost, or impact to existing access to quality health care. Joe Wilson was launched to folk-hero status with Republicans and Grand Dragon status with Democrats. Worse still, the President was being dishonest in his description of the reform bill.
While I felt that Wilson was out of line in yelling out while the President was speaking, he apologized promptly and was formally rebuked. Yet that wasn’t enough. Like the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have flocked to Town Hall meetings across the country and marched in Washington on September 12th, to voice their disagreement with the direction in which this country is being led, Wilson, like all of them, has been tagged a “racist”.
Even former President Jimmy Carter, whose brain seems to have turned into a peanut, announced that most Americans who are complaining about this administration’s policies, simply don’t like black people and especially a black president. Joe Wilson, who I believe has four children who are either serving, or have served, in the military, must be biting his tongue. Last time I checked, our soldiers protect, and serve with, citizens of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. How obnoxiously smarmy to play the race card in this way. And our President seems fine with it. He has not addressed it, this prophet of “change” and “hope” and “unity”, even in the face of the most overwhelming evidence of all that we are not a racist country…his own Presidency.
And it is an assault on me and my blood as well. My late father, who served in Germany during World War II, and raised his children to understand the ignorance of racism. The impracticality of judging moral character based on skin color. Not only was he not racist, he was vehemently opposed to bigotry. One of the few people I have ever seen who would not stand for it in conversation, when an untoward comment might be made by someone, he would call them on it. This was long before the Civil Rights movement and long before it was in vogue.
My children have been raised the same way and it is an assault on their character as well. My blood. And it is for this reason that beyond the mortgaging of their future with capricious spending and a corrupt government that continues to operate unchecked, that being labeled a “racist” because I disagree with the philosophy of this administration, angers me more than any of their policy decisions.
I’m confident that I’m not alone here. And I will not forget or forgive what has happened here. For the first time in my adult life, I’m beginning to feel a little racist, and I don’t like it. But our President has me wondering, “is this how black people have viewed me all along?” That all of us, every white American that didn’t vote for Obama or does not now fall in lock-step with his sheep, are racists?
How sad that in just these few months, race relations in America have been driven back decades, and there seems to be no end in sight. How sad, and unusual, that of all the “high-thinkers” and enlightened operatives that surround this President, not a single one has pulled him aside and said, “Sir, perhaps it’s time to take one day off from your health care crusade, and address the other half of the country. Not in your usual diminutive and demeaning way, but with that promise of healing that was the centerpiece of your campaign.” But then again, there would have to be one person who wants that to happen, and there would have to be a President who wants that to happen. I don’t believe we have either one.
steve vaillancourt
Sep 21, 2009
Sad is exactly the right word. Sad that people would resort to race baiting, calling anyone who doesn’t bow down to the President a racist. There is nothing I would like more than to see a black man (or half a black man) do well as President, but I cannot sacrifice my principles to anyone. Obama, black or white, is running up deficits that will ruin this country. He has indeed become a snake oil salesman and yes, a demagogue, when it comes to health care. Having said that, I must add that I am in accord with his foreign policies, especailly this missile shield for Poland. Why should the U.S. be defending Poland? Iran a threat to Poland? Of course not. Those into history will recall how Poland was partitioned three times in the 18th century, and Iran had nothing to do with it. It was Russia, Germany (actually Prussian) and Maria Thersa’s Austria-Hugary. To even think Iran is a threat geopolitically to Eastern Europe border on insane and those Republicans who say Obama is selling out our national security are just insane. They are not racists, they are simply neocon fools! But to critize Obama’s domestic programs…now that’s sensible.
How about Michael Steel for President. Would any Dem opposed to that be a racist?!! I think not; they would simply be left wingers.
Karl Zahn
Sep 21, 2009
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I wouldn’t say I’m catatonic over the decision with the missile defense system, but it was sure a poor choice of dates given the historical significance of that date for Poland. Moreover, I see it as yet another demonstration of a message to the world that does not speak to strength. If it is such a minor matter…why bother with it now? It is not the missile defense system or the maintenance of it that is defining our economic collapse, and given all that is happening in the world, i.e.: North Korea…Iran…why now to send this meesage to the world and to Europe? I see it as just another sign that this guy is in way over his head. Like you, I would welcome a black man as President, or any color for that matter, if he were competent. I would also prefer someone for whom there was no question about how he feels about this country.
Telling George Stephanopoulis that he didn’t know ACORN received “that much” federal money, is yet another sign of dancing.
Like you, it is the future for my children and grandchildren that I worry most about, and wondering why they should have to pay for the excesses of this generation.
Again, thanks for a reasoned response.
steve vaillancourt
Sep 21, 2009
I went into the Poland thing basically to prove theat I judge Obama on each individual issue; not based on the color of his skin. I agree with him on some things and disagree with him on others, just like I did with George Bush. To paint anyone as a racist because he or she disagrees with a black person on an issue is the saddest of all sad things. What a pathetic figure Jimmy Carter is, and I agreed with him some of the time on President, but he’s certainly a sad figure today.
Oh yes, is Obama a racist because he’s trying to get the black Democratic governor of NY not to run again? Of course not.
I could talk foreign policy for days, but I don’t think Americans much care about the missile shield in Poland. Proof. Rasmussen has 38 percent disagreeing with Obama, 31 percent agreeing, but that leaves 32 percent undecided. You don’t get such a large undecided group on domestic issues like health care.
Karl Zahn
Sep 21, 2009
Again, thanks, and all fair points. Like you, there are issues with which I agree with Obama, and I had my fair share of complaints with Bush. Perhaps my biggest disappointment with Obama is this gap between campaign promises and action now that he is commander in chief, the concern many had about his astonishing lack of experience that are now bearing themselves out, and his behavior which I find more and more disturbing. His refusal to go on Fox News, but to visit every other news station, betrays his thin skin, and an almost childlike attitude towards those who disagree with, or…God forbid…question him.