New Hampshire’s Virtual Town Hall
July 23, 2009John DiStaso led off today’s Granite Status with something that all NH citizens should benefit from.
From the left to the right, a political and ideological cross-section of the Granite State is joining in what’s being described as a “vigorously non-partisan” non-profit organization called the Live Free or Die Alliance.
The 501:c(3) has about 30 founding members, and the key players who began the organization a year ago are Paul Montrone, chairman, chief executive officer and president of Hampton-based Perspecta Trust, Anna Grace Holloway, who is chairing the group, Stonyfield Farms chief Gary Hirshberg and New Hampshire Charitable Trust Foundation president Lew Feldstein.
LFDA will not become politically active but describes itself as a key information source for issues facing the state. In short, its leaders envision it as “New Hampshire’s Virtual Town Hall.”
More details about the group will be released shortly, and a public meeting for invited guests is planned for the Manchester Country Club on Aug. 4.
In a letter to invited guests, Holloway and Montrone say the group’s goal is “to provide a comprehensive and interactive venue to inform New Hampshire citizens about the many complex issues facing New Hampshire today, and to stimulate their interest and engagement.”
Through “the power of technology,” LFDA will “provide members with in-depth information, dialogue, and deliberation on a wide variety state and community issues.”
Other founding members are Charlie Arlinghaus of Concord, Tom and Virginia Chrisenton of Lyndeborough, Andy Crews of Manchester, businessman and former political activist Bruce Keough of Dublin, Michael Krak of Whitefield, former state Sen. Art Klemm of Windham, Bob Mallat of Keene, Russ and Marcy McCann of North Hampton, former state Sen. Bob Preston of Hampton, Rick Samson of Stewartstown, Tom Severino of Candia, former state House speaker Donna Sytek of Salem, Tom Thomson of Orford, Mark Thurston of Laconia, Tom Tillotson of Dixville Notch, Jack and Brenda Tulley of Nashua, Michael Whitney of Manchester, and Bob and Linda Winmill of Windham
That looks to be interesting…