NHGOP and Sanborn Campaign Denounce Push Polls in State Senate Races
September 22, 2010Both the NHGOP and Sanborn for State Senate campaign issued press releases today calling on State Senate Democrat candidates to denounce the illegal and misleading push polls. You know things are going bad when they resort to these calls this early in the campaign.
Sanborn Campaign:
Sanborns Blasts Tremblay on Smear Campaign, NH Voters Disgusted in Her Actions
Voters deserve better than underhanded deflection of her Pro-Income/Sales Tax Stance
Henniker, NH: Republican Candidate for State Senate District 7, Andy Sanborn, today, blasted his Democratic opponent for her “Misleading Push Polling Tactic” phone calls, specifically trying to disparage Andy and Laurie Sanborn.
“Laurie and I are so disappointed, although not surprised, that my opponent would begin her political career by sinking to such a despicable act,” said Sanborn. “In her efforts to try and hide her committed Pro-Income Tax, Pro-Sales Tax, anti business agenda, she has created lies and mistruths and woven them into a smear campaign against my wife and me. New Hampshire people are completely fed up with politicians whose only platform is to go negative and mislead people.”
“We don’t participate in or support these types of negative slanderous acts and neither do the voters of NH. There is no question the voters will see this ruse and use it as yet another reason to vote against Tremblay in November, and send her a message that ordinary people will not tolerate this damaging behavior,” continued Laurie Sanborn “She is embarrassing both herself and the position of State Senator”
Tremblay, a decade long State of New Hampshire paid environmental activist is trying to parlay her lucrative state contracts into a State Senate seat for personal political gain. Tremblay has stated in print she has no ideas or solutions for solving our looming budget deficit, reducing taxes on ordinary working families or helping small businesses create jobs for our friends and neighbors, other than raising taxes and increasing government restrictions.
“Today there could not be a clearer choice in this race. Voters will decide between Andy Sanborn, a proven tax fighter, job creator and leader who respects the people of New Hampshire, or a Pro Tax, big government environmental extremist who looks at our budget deficit as an opportunity for instituting more taxes on people,’ finished Sanborn
Republican Andy Sanborn has pledged to oppose any sales or income tax and fight to protect ordinary working families and the business of New Hampshire.
CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican Party today called on State Senators Molly Kelly (D-Keene), Peggy Gilmour (D-Nashua) and Besti DeVries (D-Manchester), and senate candidate Michele Tremblay (D-Boscawen) to denounce dishonest push poll calls that are being conducted to support their campaigns. The Union Leader (9/22) reports today that the New Hampshire Democrat Party is conducting untruthful push poll calls against Republican candidates in their state senate districts.
“Democrat state senate candidates are spreading vicious lies and engaging in the politics of personal destruction to distract from their support for record state spending and skyrocketing taxes. These dishonest attacks are despicable and have no place in politics,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “Molly Kelly, Peggy Gilmour, Besti DeVries and Michele Tremblay need to immediately denounce these dirty campaign tactics and call on their Democrat Party to stop these disgusting calls.”
Voters in Senate Districts 7, 10, 12, and 18 have contacted the New Hampshire Republican Party and Republican senate candidates to complain about the push poll calls. At least three complaints have been filed with the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office after the company conducting the push poll calls failed to provide the proper identifications required by state law.