NHGOP Statement on Comments By Dem State Rep Candidate Keith Halloran

August 11, 2010Matt Suermann

Following RedHampshire and Now Hampshire’s report on the Facebook comments by Democrat candidate David Halloran. The NHGOP issued the following statement.


Dem NH House Candidate Wishes Gov. Palin Was On Sen. Stevens’ Fatal Plane Crash

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican State Committee today denounced Democrat NH House candidate Kevin Halloran’s public death wish for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The Party also called on Governor John Lynch and Congressional Candidate Ann McLane Kuster to personally denounce his hateful remarks and call for him to apologize to the Palin family.

In a Facebook post yesterday regarding the tragic plane crash that killed former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran wrote, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.” Levi Johnston is the father of Governor Palin’s grandson (RedHampshire, 8/11).

“Mr. Halloran’s outrageous comments are a new low, even by the standards of the New Hampshire Democrat Party,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “His publicly stated death wish for Governor Palin and her family is abhorrent, and has no place in our public discourse. Governor Lynch and Ann McLane Kuster need to immediately denounce Mr. Halloran’s hateful remarks and demand that he personally apologize to the Palin family.”

Mr. Halloran served on the Rindge, NH planning board. He is running as a Democrat for State Representative this year in Cheshire County House District 7. He describes himself as “an active local citizen and supporter of NH Governor John Lynch” (Jaffrey, Rindge, Dublin Democrats Committee website). Mr. Halloran is also a prominent supporter of Second Congressional District Candidate Ann McLane Kuster.

Matt Suermann

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3 Responses to “NHGOP Statement on Comments By Dem State Rep Candidate Keith Halloran”

  1. Author

    The democrats led by bukcley and sullivan (the biggest palin haters) probably called this clown up and gave him kudo’s. In my life I have never seen such hate for one person, especially a woman who is jut out there fighting for her country. When Cindy Shaheen was out there slamming Bush and the wars in the middle east, republicans were not out there calling for her to die in some tragic death. This example shows how desperate and hate filled the democrats in NH are. Not only Kuster, but Swett and every other democrat better get on this and quick. Call Fox news and let them know about this stupid clown. Where is Brunelle on this? Oh ya he’s a great example of following the law. The democrats are nothing but a bunch of rougue hoodlums who think this behavior is NORMAL.

  2. Author

    Every decent person go onto Facebook and defriend that idiot Halloran. I just checked his facebook page. This kid is VERY obsessed with Levi, to the point that it looks like Halloran might have a serious crush on him, or he is very emotionally attached to him. Very very strange.

  3. Author

    Halloran’s comment was despicable, but he also apologized for it on his Facebook page. And please don’t suggest the Left is solely responsible for this sort of comment. I think both sides need to take a step toward civility, especially after reading the comments on this page.


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