No Carol, Granite Staters Fired YOU!

November 3, 2010Matt Suermann

In CSP’s concession speech last night she did not seem to understand exactly the message that Granite Staters were sending to her: she was fired.  Instead she looked to place blame on her loss on anyone but herself.  Here is what she had to say:

Shea-Porter said she had no regrets as she conceded defeat shortly 10 p.m., blasting the special interests that had poured money into the race.

Oh really Carol?  This was a year when Democrat aligned special interests (Big Labor, etc), party committees, etc all spent more money than Republican allied groups nationally.  Plus add in the fact that CSP had a significant fundraising advantage for the vast majority of the cycle.  It is no one’s fault but her own that the DCCC and other groups cut her loose because she simply wasn’t a wise investment this cycle.

Shea-Porter never mentioned Guinta in her brief speech, but hinted this might not be the end of her career.

“I look at this as a temporary blip,” she said at the Frank Jones Center. “Score one for the corporations.”

“I’m very proud of me,” Shea-Porter continued. “I’m proud of you and I’m proud of my party. I’m especially proud of my party.”

Glad to know she is proud of being an embarassment to the entire Granite State for the past 4 years.  Also, would it take too much for her to take responsibility for her loss and understand that the voters are trying to send her, along with the Democrat Party, a message that they were unhappy with the direction they were taking America.  Unless she realizes that fact, that she was fired, she will never understand what happened yesterday.

And with that hopefully New Hampshire’s experiment with Carol Shea-Porter is over and she fades quietly into the night.

Matt Suermann

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5 Responses to “No Carol, Granite Staters Fired YOU!”

  1. Author

    And without a taxpayer provided lifetime pension too. :)

    “Score one for the corporations.”
    I’ll take a self serving corporate interest over a self serving union interest any day.

  2. Author

    They couldn’t read the HC bill, why should they read the voters’ message?

  3. Author

    Yea, I do remember saying something about kicking, screaming and clawing.
    Uh Huh. But remember CSP has a vote in the Lame Duck session before she is summarily ejected.

  4. Author

    Is there any truth to the story that she never called Guinta to congratulate him?

  5. Author

    Last I heard Congressman-elect Guinta was still waiting for a phone call.


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