Obama will work with Republicans to tweak his Health Care Bill

November 3, 2010conserv-ed

In the news tonight: Obama is willing to work with Republicans to tweak his Trillion dollar health care bill.  Any major piece of legislation can need tweaking, he said in a recent statement.  Did you hear that too?

Oh really?


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3 Responses to “Obama will work with Republicans to tweak his Health Care Bill”

  1. Author

    Tweak the Healthcare Bill? The bill that Congress could not take the time to read or make themselves available to hear from their constituents; the bill that John Conyers referred to as needing 3 days to read along with 3 lawyers to explain it; the bill that Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass in order to find out what was in it, and that they needed to parachute in, and pole vault in blah, blah, blah. No thank you Mr. President, there is no tweaking that bill — it’s time to repeal that mess and start over with real health care reform.

    Here’s to NH’s new Congressional team — Ayotte, Bass, and Guinta — as they bring the message of NH voters to Washington! God bless you and your families.

  2. Author

    Yes, Miss Daisy you hit the nail on the head. This election was not as WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs said today about “working together” in the future.

    It is about the Obama, Pelosi, Reid Socialist Democratic machine forcing its collective will on the American People. Because Obama knows what is right for America? Hardly! That is how we got the Tea Party, God Bless them all!

    Note: The Tea Party backed 129 candidates and of that total 113 candidates were elected. Yes, “We the People” sent a huge message to Washington and Obama but he is not listening at all.

    The new Congress must hold the President accountable to the Constitution.

    In addition, all those appointed Czars that Pelosi and Congress were never officially vetted using “due process”

    Let’s start vetting them next year.

    I want the new Congress to Audit the Fed! Audit Freddie and Fannie. Lets see what is in the kitty. If it is all just newly made paper then America is in trouble. And so is Obama!

    And Obama wants to spend Two Billion dollars to see the “Festival of Lights” and needs 34 warships and 3000 Govt agents to lead the way? I do not believe he is operating in reality!

    What do you think fellow conservatives?

  3. Author

    Tweak? Nah.. Kill? YES WE CAN.


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