Ovide Comments on Biden’s Manchester Visit

August 26, 2010Matt Suermann

Ovide Lamontagne’s campaign for US Senate released the follow statement today concerning the event held by Vice President Joe Biden.


“The Vice President may be exuberant about wasting our hard earned money, but Americans are not”

Manchester, N.H.—Ovide Lamontagne, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, today issued the following statement concerning Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Manchester to tout what the Administration calls “a major milestone of the federal stimulus.”

Lamontagne remarked, “Vice President Biden is in New Hampshire today to try to sell Granite Staters some snake oil, claiming that the $787 billion federal ’stimulus’ is creating jobs, lowering unemployment and jump starting the economy. We know better. The truth is, the stimulus bill is laden with wasteful pork-barrel spending that has done nothing but waste taxpayer dollars and sink our country deeper into debt.”

Lamontagne concluded by saying, “Vice President Biden said of the stimulus the other day - well over a year since its passage and string of failures - that “this is when the fun stuff starts”, and that “this is a chance to do something big.” The Vice President may be exuberant about wasting our hard earned money, but Americans are not. My response is that this is a time to do something smart, not big. Repeal the stimulus, pay down the debt, balance the budget and stop fleecing American families and businesses of their hard earned money. Its time to stop Washington’s culture of spending and put the federal government on a diet.”

Matt Suermann

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