Ovide Comments On Rand Paul’s Win in KY Senate Primary
May 18, 2010Following Rand Paul’s victory in Kentucky tonight Ovide Lamontagne issued the following statement:
Manchester, N.H.—Ovide Lamontagne, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, today issued the following statement on Rand Paul’s U.S. Senate primary victory in Kentucky.
“I congratulate Rand Paul for his convincing victory this evening, and commend Trey Grayson for a well run race.
“Make no mistake, the elite establishment Republicans in Washington—who tried previously to convince us to support Arlen Specter and Charlie Crist—also tried to anoint their preferred candidate in Kentucky. In doing so, they turned their back on Rand Paul who earned the support of rank and file Republicans, Tea Party activists, and 9/12 activists based on his campaign for individual freedom and liberty from an oppressive government.
“I call upon the establishment backers of Mr. Grayson to immediately come together behind Dr. Paul to ensure that Republicans hold this critical Senate seat.
“In New Hampshire, we also see the establishment working to anoint their preferred candidate. However, it is for the people, not the DC power elites, to decide who our nominee should be. As evidenced by our recent Tea Party and 9/12 straw poll victories and leadership releases, Granite State voters are responding to my message.
“Like Dr. Paul, I have been humbled at the outpouring of support for my campaign from a broad coalition of Republicans, Independents, Tea Party and 9/12 activists and other friends of freedom and liberty. I am the authentic conservative and independent-minded reformer in this race. Together, we will win in September and defeat Paul Hodes in November.”
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May 18, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Red Hampshire. Red Hampshire said: Ovide Comments On Rand Paul’s Win in KY Senate Primary: Following Rand Paul’s victory in Kentucky tonight … http://bit.ly/aJFVm4 #RedHamp [...]
Laurie from Bartlett
May 19, 2010
We in N.H. must emulate the good thinkers of KY who denied the “beltway” pick for the PEOPLES CHOICE!!! This sends a great signal to those in power that we are now a THINKING electorate…no longer sheep! HOORAY!!! Send your donations to your candidate..not DC.
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May 19, 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Laurie Pettengill. Laurie Pettengill said: Reading: "RedHampshire.com » Ovide Comments On Rand Paul’s Win in KY Senate Primary"( http://twitthis.com/o9q7ru ) [...]