Ovide for Senate?

June 2, 2009Matt Suermann

Hotline On Call and The Hill are reporting that 1996 Republican nominee for Governor and  Manchester attorney Ovide Lamontagne has met with the NRSC at their Washington, DC office.

From the Hotline:

The meeting was at his request; NRSC staffers will sit down with any credible candidate who expresses an interest in running. Lamontagne ran unsuccessfully for GOV in ‘96 against Dem Jeanne Shaheen.

The Hill also has a comment from Ovide on his meeting with the NRSC:

Lamontagne told The Hill in an e-mail that he is “serious” about running for Senate.

“I am serious about the 2010 Senate race, but I am still testing the waters, conducting some due diligence and awaiting the decision of former Sen. (John) Sununu (R) about his potential candidacy in 2010,” Lamontagne said.

When all is said and done could this be the return to politics for Ovide?  What do you all think about his testing of the waters?  Is he the Republican’s best choice to keep Sen. Gregg’s seat?  If not him, who?

Matt Suermann

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8 Responses to “Ovide for Senate?”

  1. Author

    This is just a statement of facts not an opinion on Ovide one way or the other. The last time he ran for statewide office, he proved so unpopular that Jeanne Shaheen was swept into office leading to a six year reign and the beginning of a 12 year Dem reign in 14 years. Please, John Sununu the Younger, Republicans need you. NH needs you. The country needs you. John, you need to spare us from an Ovidian fate. Run, John, Run.

  2. Author

    Ovide Lamontagne would make an excellent Senator, he has had time to mature since his days when he wanted to start at the top, he has gained lots of experience in a very prestigious law firm and although I believe there are way too many lawyers in Congress I would vote for him in the primary and in the election if he gets the GOP nomination

  3. Author

    Let me clarify, my first choice is still John E. Sununu however if he chooses not to run then I would enthusiatically support Ovide Lamontagne anybody would be better than that do nothing illegal alien supporting Judas Gregg.

  4. Author

    He might make an excellent senator,Ole one, my point is that he has very little change of becoming a senator. Let’s dig out the red book later. I think his loss to Shaheen was in the landslide range, if not 60-40, the something close to it. How many people score political points by “maturing in a presitigious law firm”. I repeat. Odds against Ovide winning are long indeed. A Charlie Bass would be a better second choice should Sununu not run. Or how about Ray Burton? Any number of names come to mind before we must succumb to Ovidian fates.

  5. Author

    I think that judging a candidate based on a race that occurred over 12 years ago is more than a little absurd. 2010 would be a completely different race. Most importantly, Shaheen was a popular female candidate, while Hodes is far from it. I doubt that Sununu jumps into this one (I, for one, believe that he would lose again). The state’s mood regarding his prospects is still not good. One need only look at recent polling (http://www.americanresearchgroup.com/nhpoll/senate10/). Frankly, Gregg seems to be the best bet for keeping the seat and state Republicans would do well to attempt to follow his example if they’d like to win any seats in next year’s election.

    You also seem to be claiming that Ovide’s loss to Senator Shaheen lead to the Democrats’ successes over the past decade. Again, a bit of a stretch. There are numerous individuals who could be blamed for those problems, certainly ahead of Ovide. I certainly won’t be voting for Hodes, but I wouldn’t vote for Sununu or Bass if they ran again either. Same goes for Guinta. I, for one, hope that Ovide does run. We need some Republican voices from outside of elected office, not the ones that have been in office for the past decade.

  6. Author

    There are definitely other choices besides Ovide Lamontagne however I believe that he has matured since he ran the last time and others have lost before and returned, in this year’s state election I will be for ABG anybody but Gregg and Guinta. I have never cast any kind of ballot for Judas Gregg and I never will and as for Guinta I voted for him once but never again, in his case it was one vote too many, there are better qualified candidates for Congress in the first district they just have to stand up and be counted.

  7. Author

    And who would that be? Ovide would never get elected just because his name sounds like a chocolate drink, and Lemon-tagne?

    Guinta makes a good speech but he’s going bald….You have to think like the sheeple do these days. Like Hollywood!

    The name has to be perfect, the hair perfect, the weight perfect, and an exceptable religion helps.

    Remember Romney? Mormon, and his eyes were too close I kept hearing.

    Any, Dancing with the Star types out there want to be Governor or President?
    Raise your hand.

  8. Author

    What has Lamontagne done for the party since his loss other than enrich himself as a lawyer? I haven’t seen him out there at all. Is he too busy with law suits to help us rebuild the party at a grassroots level? This next election is about our future leaders, not giving Clinton and Bush era retreads yet another chance for glory.


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