Republican liberty forum to highlight principled leadership this Saturday

January 21, 2010Andrew Manuse

The Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire released the following press statement today about their upcoming event Saturday with former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson:

CONCORD, N.H.― New Hampshire residents and other New Englanders searching for principled leaders who know what public service really means won’t want to miss the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire’s latest educational forum this weekend in Concord.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson will be featured as a keynote speaker for the RLCNH event on Saturday, January 23, at 4:30 p.m. at the Grappone Center in Concord. Besides two successful terms as governor, Johnson is also a successful entrepreneur and the honorary chairman of the Our America Initiative, a Salt Lake City, Utah-based Political Action Committee that seeks to increase involvement in current events.

“Johnson will certainly complement the purpose of our forums, which are geared toward educating the public on a liberty-oriented approach to government,” said Jim Forsythe, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire. “People need to understand that the former governor doesn’t resort to rhetoric like most politicians today. Johnson has developed a set of core principles that have and will continue to set a course for personal responsibility and smaller, more efficient state and federal governments.”

Johnson is known for his seven principles of good government, which are grounded in practical reality and honesty. He has a record of acknowledging his critics, but doing what’s right by determining clear goals, developing a plan to achieve them and then executing that plan. Part of his pattern of success is grounded in his ability to communicate and quickly reveal key information important to the people he represents. He has always pursued gratifying work that allows him to make a difference.

As governor from 1994-2002, Johnson vetoed more bills passed by the state Legislature than all other U.S. governors combined. He cut the growth of state government in half, eliminated the state’s budget deficit and created a budget surplus without raising taxes.

Johnson, who will speak about economic and personal liberties on Saturday, will be joined by Bill O’Brien, co-chairman of the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance, which stands for the traditional principles of the state’s Republican Party, such as fiscal restraint, personal freedom and responsibility, small government, free enterprise and strong families. O’Brien will speak about efforts that support such principles in the New Hampshire Legislature.

Republican gubernatorial candidates Jack Kimball of Dover and Karen Testerman of Franklin will also highlight their ideas for the future of New Hampshire during the event.

The Reason Foundation, a nonprofit organization that advances “free minds and free markets” and publishes Reason magazine, will sponsor a reception after the event.

The forum is free for college students and state representatives.  “The younger folks of New Hampshire and America are recognizing the importance of self rule by the people and for the people,” Forsythe added. “They are waking up to the principles the country’s founding fathers fought and died for. As the generation that will lead the state and the nation forward, it is crucial that we encourage this tradition of liberty and justice for all.”

“Further, the volunteers who have put public service above themselves in the State House and Senate will always benefit from reinforcing the core values that serve as the foundation of our state and nation, and of our future,” he added.

Tickets to hear Gov. Johnson and other speakers at the RLCNH Forum on January 23 cost $35 for individuals and $50 for couples. They can be purchased online by visiting the RLCNH Web site at or by contacting the RLCNH at

About The Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire
RLCNH, a state chapter of the national Republican Liberty Caucus, was launched in December 2004 to promote and advance traditional Republican Party values, such as small government, low taxes and spending, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free market capitalism and loyalty to the Constitution.


If you’d like more information about the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire or to schedule an interview, please call Jim Forsythe at 603-822-2588, e-Mail or visit If you would like more information regarding the OUR America Initiative, or to schedule an interview with Gary Johnson, please contact Sue Winchester at 801-303-7924 or via email at

Andrew Manuse

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