Roll Back of the Clean Air Act?

April 28, 2011conserv-ed

The first reaction one might have is..not while I can fight this.  No one wants to role back the Clean Air Act per se.  I believe that there is a division by those who believe that CO2 is a green house gas that requires enforcement and those who believe that CO2 is a non issue.  CO2 is a product of the burning of fossil fuel and mammals who breathe air. It occurs naturally.

Those like those left wing wackos at the EPA who believe that CO2 is a green house gas and that we should strictly enforce it, are the same folks that believe Al Gore. And further, that CO2 is the cause for Global Warming and that all Americans should minimize their Carbon footprint except Al Gore who has a carbon footprint the size of Tennessee.

The coined phrase “Roll back of the Clean Air Act” is used to frighten those that are not as well versed in the subject. Recent articles never discuss specific standards except Carbon seems to surface.

There is ample evidence that there is an abundance of Scientific hocus pocus at the EPA, and I for one am not buying the Global warming issue at all based on the manipulated data and crackpot science so that Obama can tax the hell out of Americans. Americans that are beat down by an economy that is just limping along because it does not want to embrace fossil fuel to get us out of this insane economic recession.

Obama you are out in 2012! And the EPA will not remain autonomous to the Senate and House.


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