Shaheen flip-flops on gay marriage

June 5, 2009Tom DeRosa

Another day, another Democrat flip-flops on gay marriage. Jeanne Shaheen did not make a peep while gay marriage was being debated. In fact, as we pointed out here and here Shaheen has always been against gay marriage. Shaheen seems to have blown with the political wind and flip flopped.

“I congratulate Governor Lynch and the state legislature on advancing a marriage equality bill that also protects religious freedom. New Hampshire has a long history of leadership on issues of civil rights and equality, and I’m proud our state continues to lead the way in ending discrimination with this bill signing today.”

That’s one more politician that has succumb to Ray Buckley and his radical agenda. Along with John Lynch, Jeanne Shaheen becomes another politican with no backbone who is afraid to stand up for what they truly believe in.

UPDATE: NHGOP reacts to Shaheen flip-flop

“After having clearly opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions for decades, Jeanne Shaheen is ‘pulling a Lynch’ and caving into pressure from the radical left of her Party. This is another example of how unprincipled, deceitful and dishonest the New Hampshire Democrat Party has become,” said NHGOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “New Hampshire voters are now beginning to realize that the Democrats are more than willing to say one thing during the election season and then break their word once they are in office.”

Tom DeRosa

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4 Responses to “Shaheen flip-flops on gay marriage”

  1. Author

    Dan Pierce said it.
    Dick Cheney said it.
    Ted Olson said it.
    Steve Schmidt said it.
    Good conservatives all.

    I’ll say it again.
    Republicans can only hurt themselves by clinging to gay marriage as an issue. It will not help the party, only hurt. Anti gays are already all voting Republican. By appearing anti-gay, the party is alienating a segment that will prove vital not only in 2010, but beyond.

    How many other good conservatives need to point out that this is only taking the party backwards, not forwards. Please read McCain campaign director Steve Schmidt’s comments to the Log Cabin group in March. It’s goobleable.

    Steve V (Kathy the S’s and the Corner Office Coward’s Least Favorite Gay Marriage Supporter and one of 9 elected Republicans to vote for it Wed, proudly so!)

  2. Author

    Just google Steve Schmidt log cabin
    and the first entry that comes up (CNN) will contain the entire speech. All Republicans need to read this and learn!

  3. Author

    Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy. Why doesn’t anything ever get better?

    I say we avoid the whole thing like the plague. If someone ask, “Whats your thoughts on gay marriage or gay rights or gay anything, We should say, “no comment, next question please.”

    We’ll lose the gay votes but not as many anti gay or undecided votes.

    If a political office comes down to supporting gay marriage or not supporting gay marriage then the country is doomed either way.

    Just my .02

  4. Author

    Personally, I think the Gays are going to push and push their gay rights crap onto every political runner who they think will play along.

    If the republican party really wants votes, they should mention a Gay reservation. You know? Like the indian reservations.

    That would get my vote and just about everyone I know personally.


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