Should Israel Strike Nuc Plant

August 18, 2010conserv-ed

Headline question: Should Israel strike the Iranian Nuclear Plant?

Of Fox Poll respondents 84% say yes before the reactor is fueled up this weekend.

So Fox respondents are giving the go ahead to Israel.

Like Israel is the only one that can do that right?

Where does Obama stand?

The Obama administration prevented stealth weaponry and defense missiles from being sent to Israel for this very reason. To aid in preventing Israel from making good on the attack.

Israel is being let out to hang on its own merits by the Obama “Change” administration while they had that White House dinner in honor of Ramadan and defending Muslim Americans and the NYC Mosque project.

I am ashamed of the Obama Administrations unwillingness to support Israel, and at the same time allow Iran to Arm itself with Nuclear weapons.

This will ignite a Nuclear Race in the Mideast with Saudis seeking the weapon too.  Ambassador Bolton has been right on this issue all along. The Pentagon is ready, but the White House went on vacation again.

Must be golfing or something..

The President supports the 9-11 Cordoba Mosque, supports Muslims, craps on Israel. Snubs Christians and Jews. Not very ecumenical of him. Is it?

See where is this article going…do you want this Administration for 2 more years.

I don’t want em for another day.

This is Harvard and other Liberal Universities best chance at proving that Socialism is the way and the light and it fails miserably and always has. Go back to real teaching, not radicalization of young Americans and quit reading those damn Socialist magazines you all subscribe to…

As Ronald Reagan said in his speech in 1982 to British Parliament

What I am describing now is a plan and a hope for the long term — the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people.”

I highly recommend you read or hear Rons speech at

America under democratic rule of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Frank, Shumer, Boxer et al.,  has failed the people of America and our ally Israel. And to the east Poland by pulling defensive missiles to appease Vladimir Putin.

Israel is left to defend itself all alone, as it surely will.

The Democrats in Congress and the White House are turning on Israel.   Voters will respond in November.

We The People, look forward to putting this Administration where it belongs… Out of office and out of a job.

Your Secret weapon….VOTE !


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3 Responses to “Should Israel Strike Nuc Plant”

  1. Author

    I actually started to epn my support for an attack on the nukes and stopped myself for lack of good stats to proced with, so thank you for this Post. Yes, knowck out the nuke plant now. If I were the president I would get the okay from the countries surrounding Iran to convince them to keep oil prices low after the attack. the only thing Iran has over us is the oil and eventual gas price issue. it is in the Middle East’s best interest to not allow this nuke plant to go forward. Even as a simple business perspective, the other countries are now going to have to arm themselevs, which may be why the US stays out of this, so that we can seel our nukes to the other Middle East countries, but one thing is for sure, iran will go after Israel and it will be Obama that let them go forward if he doesn’t stop it now.

  2. Author

    To follow up on more of this grave situation, go to

  3. Author

    conserv-ed….Ummm…how familiar are you with the 1981 Israeli airstrike on the Iraqi nuclear plant (Operation Babylon) ?

    Did Reagan offer any *public* support before it happened?

    Did Saudi Arabia annouce the permission it granted Israel to use their air space before it happened?

    Is it possible that you are simply frothing at the mouth and rather ignorant of how international events must unfold? Would you have written the same thing about Reagan in 1981? Because the unfolding of events is EXACTLY the same…

    Or is it just convenient to piss on Obama (for whom I did NOT vote) for the hell of it every chance you get regardless of reason and fairness?


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