Stephen TV Ad: “Vote”

October 27, 2010Matt Suermann

Stephen Releases New Ad Focusing On The Fundamental Choice In Race For Governor

MANCHESTER, NH- John Stephen, Republican nominee for Governor, today released a television advertisement focusing on the “fundamental choice for New Hampshire’s future.” The ad contrasts Governor Lynch’s “path of higher taxes, more spending and massive budget deficits” versus Stephen’s call for cutting taxes and reducing spending to create jobs.

“It has been an honor and privilege to stand before the people of New Hampshire as a candidate for Governor,” said Stephen. “I’ve criss-crossed this state and heard the countless concerns of Granite State citizens. I am emboldened by the courage and determination of Granite State citizens of the people I’ve met. As I hear their concerns over the growing tax burden in New Hampshire and the lack of jobs they face, it is their demand for change that makes me believe we can finally bring it to Concord. ”

“Our state stands at a crossroads, and our citizens will make a choice this Tuesday about the direction we will take,” added Stephen. “We’ve seen that path Governor Lynch wants to take the state, with its huge tax and spending increases. Then, there is my path of restoring our New Hampshire values of low taxes, limited government and more economic prosperity. That’s the choice voters will make next Tuesday, and I will continue making their case for change right up until the last vote is cast.”

Matt Suermann

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