Storm Clouds surround

July 23, 2010conserv-ed

Thank goodness that storms finally move away. Right? Or do they get bigger and more frequent? I believe the latter is the case.

There is a silver lining however. Just knowing a storm is coming can allow time to prepare for it.

The new Congress and Senate of 2011 will be tested like never before.

Getting America back to work is perhaps job number one.  However, we live in a world where there is more that one ball in the air at any given time.  Multitasking is expected…no demanded!  If you cannot multitask then please do not bother to apply at my door for my vote.

If a Senator were to just focus all that energy on jobs, what would happen to the other two dozen or so balls in the air.  Like Iran,N. Korea, 13 trillion debt, Illegal Immigration/the border, sanctuary cities, equalizing trade, climate issues, energy needs,medical care, malpractice reform, social security, the deficit, the federal reserve being bankrupt, freddie and fannie, what the Democrats will do when you aren’t looking, the new alliance Russia, Venezuela and Iran, right to life,first and second amendment, the constitution, religious freedom, undoing the socialist policies of Obama, reseting the DOJ,CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, education reform, NASA and Space, colleges teaching socialism to our children, the reseting of liberty and justice for all.  Hmmm…what did you say? I can’t hear you. BIG JOB!! ARE YOU UP TO THE TASK?


I want a Senator/congressman that does more than seek  my vote on single issues because I may disagree with you strongly on healthcare reform, Iran or other vital issues.

If  you, the candidate only speak to single issues, that is being disingenuous to the many vital issues that challenge America and you will certainly not get my vote. If you advertise on TV single issues then again you will not get my vote.

Honesty, truth, leadership, follow through to get the job done, and a passion for success  is what I think we are all after.

May the best and brightest bubble to the top.  And as Red Skelton (a comedian of note some may remember)  said at the end of each show. May God Bless!


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