Posts Tagged ‘2010 Election’

More Bad News for NH Dems’s Hopes in November

May 20, 2010Matt Suermann

Yet another national Political observer and list maker is moving the NH Senate race into the “Lean Republican” column.  What was once seen as one of the Democrats prized pick up opportunity is slipping further and further out of reach.  In his monthly look at the Senate Race landscape, Larry Sabato has moved the NH [...]

What do Obama and Clinton have in common?

May 20, 2009Tom DeRosa

Haley Barbour, current governor of Mississippi and former RNC chair, has compared Barack Obama to Bill Clinton:
“What they have in common is that everything for them is political. They wage a perpetual campaign. They are both extraordinary politicians. Either one of them could charm the skin off a snake.”
Insert intern joke here.

2010: Still a long ways away

May 8, 2009Norris Cotton

I vary rarely agree with the editoral board of the Concord Monitor, but today’s editorial hits it right on the nose.  After a marathon Primary campaign that burned out many activists across the state, which saw a plethora of campaign strategies develop, half of them attemped by Rudy’s campaign in a single month, its time [...]

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