Posts Tagged ‘Andy Sanborn’

NHGOP and Sanborn Campaign Denounce Push Polls in State Senate Races

September 22, 2010Matt Suermann

Both the NHGOP and Sanborn for State Senate campaign issued press releases today calling on State Senate Democrat candidates to denounce the illegal and misleading push polls.  You know things are going bad when they resort to these calls this early in the campaign.
Sanborn Campaign:

Sanborns Blasts Tremblay on Smear Campaign, NH Voters Disgusted in Her [...]

Sanborn First to File

June 2, 2010Matt Suermann

And with that, the 2010 Campaign is officially off and running.
Here is Sanborn’s press release announcing being the first candidate to file  for State Senate.

Andy Sanborn Files First
Concord, NH: Andy Sanborn, small business owner and 4th generation New Hampshire native, was the first candidate in New Hampshire to file his petition to run for elected [...]

Sanborn Announces Staff for His State Senate Campaign

May 20, 2010Matt Suermann

Today Andy Sanborn, candidate for State Senate District 7, announced the initial hiring of his first two campaign staffers and also a new line of attack against State House Democrats.

Andy Sanborn for NH State Senate Campaign Announces New Staff
Andy Sanborn, small business owner and Candidate for State Senate announced today, 2 outstanding additions to the [...]

Andy Sanborn Looks for Rematch in SD-7

April 29, 2010Matt Suermann

This morning, John DiStaso broke the news that Concord businessman Andy Sanborn would be entering the race in Senate District 7.  This afternoon Sanborn issued the following statement regarding his candidacy.

Sanborn Declares Candidacy for State Senate
It’s about creating jobs and making a smaller, more efficient Government.
For Immediate Release:  April 29, 2010
Media Contact:  [...]

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