Posts Tagged ‘Bestani’

Is the Concord Monitor trying to shape the CD1 primary? Or are they just incompetent?

April 22, 2010BenFromNY

After last Thursday’s tea parties across the state, the Concord Monitor decided to run a piece entitled “Tea tastes fine to many GOP candidates”, in which they shared that the “rallies attracted a Who’s Who of prominent Republicans”. Just one problem, in the roughly 1500 word article, the writer completely [...]

Bestani: A Much Better Choice for NH-D1

February 18, 2010Jim

would appear all the Republican candidates for the District One seat are promising smaller government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, etc. While that is indeed a good thing, the question remains as to who is best suited to accomplish these goals.
Bob Bestani is a Visiting Scholar at the Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects at Stanford [...]

The Fix Friday Line: NH CD1 right in the mix

June 12, 2009Matt Suermann

Chris “The Fix” Cillizza of The Washington Post once again has listed the NH CD1 race as number 4 in the top 10 House races to switch parties.
4. New Hampshire’s 1st district (D): The combination of one of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in the country — Rep. Carol Shea Porter — and an early [...]

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