October 21, 2009Amos Tuck
The folks over on BlueHampshire.com are still quite in a tizzy over the Politico story about how Carol Shea-Porter became a Washington insider. I actually agree with the BlueHampshire crowd that the story was bogus. Carol still seems crazy to me. Nothing has changed.
But I did find their diversionary tactic confusing. They said the same [...]
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Blue Hampshire, Bobby Jindal, David Vitter, Freshman Class President, Paul Hodes, Politico
May 8, 2009Tom DeRosa
The very obvious question is whether or not you agree with this list. I’d like to propose putting up a list of NH Influential Republicans and will be taking e-mail submissions over the weekend. After compiling my own list and taking your suggestions into account, I will post the list on Monday, May 11.
Send your emails to Tom@RedHampshire.com
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Bobby Jindal, Eric Cantor, Haley Barbour, Jeb Bush, Jon Huntsman, Mark Sanford, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin