Posts Tagged ‘Cap and Trade’

American Action Network Comes out for Ayotte, Slams Hodes on Cap and Trade in New TV Ad

August 5, 2010Matt Suermann

Obama Declares Ostrich As New National Symbol

December 6, 2009Paul Breau

President Obama, uncomfortable with the martial image portrayed by the bald eagle has found a new bird to embody the new, improved America, the ostrich. Following her leader, Lisa Jackson of the EPA has embraced the new symbol with gusto. The ostrich’s claim to fame is that it chooses to bury its head in the [...]

To Create Jobs, First Do No Harm

December 4, 2009Paul Breau

The unemployment numbers for November were just released and Wall Street is chearing that only 11,000 Americans lost their jobs. The news media will no doubt be trumpeting the success of President Obama’s job summit. I can just see a gleeful Brian Williams informing America that “only one day after his job summit President Obama [...]

Hodes: Reading Every Bill Would Slow Down the Business of Congress

August 4, 2009Tom DeRosa

Apparently Paul Hodes does not feel it necessary to read bills that he votes on.
Democratic Rep. Paul Hodes (NH-02) believes reading every bill in Congress “would slow down the business of Congress to a crawl and it would be hard to get done what needs to be done.”
Members of Congress who don’t read the bills [...]

Bring On 2010 Part II

July 27, 2009Tom DeRosa

Foster’s Daily Democrat weighs in on how history is getting ready to repeat itself in the first district. Carol Shea-Porter displays yet more Democrat hypocrisy by railing against Jeb Bradley for “voting with Bush 90% of the time” and “taking money from PACs.”
While the next congressional elections are a year and a half way, history may [...]

CSP Does Not Know What She’s Talking About

July 21, 2009Tom DeRosa

Adding further proof that Carol Shea-Porter only voted for the Waxman-Markey “cap-and-trade” bill because Nancy Pelosi bought her vote, we know learn that she has no idea what is in the bill. The folk over at Now!Hampshire have the scoop.
The recently passed cap-and-trade bill will reduce the U.S. federal budget deficit by $24 billion dollars [...]

Did Pelosi Buy off CSP?

July 17, 2009Matt Suermann

As we all know FEC filing day is a campaign junkie’s favorite day of the quarter. Not only does it provide some insight into how well, or bad, the candidate is doing in the semi important fund raising primary. It also allows us to see who has given what to their respective campaigns. [...]

Independence Day And The United States Congress

July 2, 2009Jennifer Horn

Independence Day - a celebration of our liberties, a remembrance of those who fought to protect and defend them, and a reminder to us all that we can not take lightly the extraordinary privilege of living in the greatest nation on earth.
While this President may not understand it, the birthright of every American is NOT [...]

Guinta Goes on the Attack

July 2, 2009Tom DeRosa

Guinta Goes After CSP

June 29, 2009Tom DeRosa

On Friday, June 26th, at the behest of Speaker Pelosi, Carol Shea-Porter voted for the job-killing Waxman-Markey National Energy Tax, this a “cap-and-trade” scheme that will destroy New Hampshire jobs, as well as jobs across America , raise prices for gasoline, electricity, and other sources of energy, and devastate middle-class families and small businesses. This [...]

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