October 1, 2010Matt Suermann
This is simply amazing. Because of John Lynch’s SB 500, a prison reform bill which has had the effect of allow sex offenders out of prison after serving a fraction of their sentence. As the Union Leader noted this morning, this has the potential of becoming one of the top issues in the campaign in the final 33 [...]
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Conway Daily Sun, Governor 2010, John Lynch, SB 500
May 7, 2009mfthomson
May 6, 2009 Conway Daily Sun Column
Reasoning Right
Church Is In Session
Maynard F. Thomson
According to the Democrats, Jeb Bradley’s drubbing of the late Mr. Martin was foreordained. Hmm-wonder why they wasted the filing fee. Glad they did, though, if only for the pleasure of watching the hapless fellow go through Cirque de Soleil contortions to [...]
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Bub Martin, Conway Daily Sun, District 3, Jeb Bradley, Maynard Thomson, seat belts