Posts Tagged ‘Cornerstone’

House Leadership Keeps Campaign Pledge in Unveiling Agenda for General Court Session

January 13, 2011Matt Suermann

Today, the House Republican Majority unveiled their agenda for the upcoming General Court session.  True to their pledge from the November election, they are focusing on fiscal issues while saving social issues for a later time.  The statement from the House Majority Leader is below, along with reaction from the social conservative Cornerstone Policy Research.

House [...]

Cornerstone Blasts NHDP For Religious Intollerance

December 16, 2010Matt Suermann

Mark this down as yet another press release the NHDP probably wishes they could have back.  In an attempt to malign a member of the NH House to score purely political points, the NHDP stepped onto thin ice which quick frankly made them look like idiots once again.
The statement from Cornerstone can be found below:


Kathy Sullivan’s Secret Group

November 19, 2010Matt Suermann

Yesterday, DiStaso had the scoop about how the Democrats are looking to establish a group like Cornerstone on the left.  This cycle Cornerstone, along with Charlie Arlinghaus’ Josiah Bartlett Center, became forces to be reckoned with.  The Left finally realized that they too could benefit from a similar group.  What is most interesting, is that Sullivan is [...]

Cornerstone: Gov. Lynch’s Veto Pen is Out of Ink

November 3, 2010Matt Suermann

Following the crushing defeat of Democrats in the State House, Cornerstone Policy Action issued the following statement, providing a look at what they would like to see from the Republican super majorities in the State House.

Calls GOP Super-majorities a Repudiation of Far-left Radical Agenda
Manchester, NH - Today, Cornerstone Action’s Director, [...]

Cornerstone Email: Conseratives Can Choose Bass

October 25, 2010Matt Suermann

In an email this morning, the Conservative group Cornerstone made the case for why Conservatives should support Bass next Tuesday.  The full email is below.  This email comes at a key time in the general election where a number of Republicans throughout CD-2 have been somewhat weary of Charlie Bass as the Republican nominee against [...]

Cornerstone TV Ad: “90 Days”

October 12, 2010Matt Suermann

Cornerstone Goes After Lynch With New TV and Radio Ads

October 4, 2010Matt Suermann

AFP, AJS, Cornerstone, and Stephen Camp Hit Dems on JUA Raid

September 23, 2010Matt Suermann

Tomorrow there will be hearings held to discuss the JUA Raid and Democrats in Concord are working to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling which blocked the state from raining the JUA to balance the budget.  Both Americans for Job Security and John Stephen’s campaign issued the following statements.
John Stephen:

Stephen Calls On Lynch To Stop Defying [...]

Sununu Statement on Cornerstone Ad in the UL

August 30, 2010Matt Suermann

Yesterday, Cornerstone Policy Research purchesed a full page ad in the Union Leader.  It once again hits on the same theme of their recent TV ads that point to a number of statements that Binnie has made in the past on and off the stump.  The  ad can be seen below.
In response to the print [...]

UPDATE: Cornerstone Action Releases Radio Ad Hitting Binnie

July 22, 2010Matt Suermann

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