January 9, 2011Matt Suermann
Yesterday’s Fosters Daily Democrat editorial page waded into the issue of Gov. Sununu’s endorsement of Juliana Bergeron for the post of NHGOP Chair and also made their choice clear over who they feel should be the next chair. The endorsement comes following criticism of some Kimball endorsers, many of whom are not voting members of [...]
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endorsement, Fosters, Jack Kimball, Juliana Bergeron, NHGOP Chairmans Race 2010
November 27, 2010Matt Suermann
Under 4 years of Democrat control in Concord, the system by which the state budgeted for the next biennium was simply backwards. Instead of knowing how much they could spend, they simply decided to put together a budget and then figure out how much they would need to spend. For Granite Staters that is simply [...]
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Bill O'Brien, Fosters, John Lynch, Nashua Telegraph, NH State Budget
November 15, 2010Matt Suermann
The NHGOP and NHDP will soon meet to elect their leaders for the next 2 years, including the pivotal role of Chairman through the 2012 Primary. This past weekend Foster’s stepped into the mix and offered their opinion as to where the 2 parties should go with choosing their next Chair, keep Sununu (or at [...]
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Fosters, Gov. John H Sununu, NHDP, NHGOP, Ray Buckley
October 26, 2010Matt Suermann
Kelly Ayotte picked up 2 key newspapers endorsements today. These endorsements, from Fosters and the Eagle Tribune, both point to the choices that Granite Staters have a week from today and how she is best to represent them. The Eagle Trib points to her being a vote to put a check on the Obama Administration [...]
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Eagle Tribune, endorsements, Fosters, Kelly Ayotte, Paul Hodes, US Senate 2010
October 25, 2010Matt Suermann
This morning, Fosters Daily Democrat formally endorsed Frank Guinta for Congress. The full editorial can be found here. Check out a few key graphs from the endorsement.
When Carol Shea-Porter first ran for the U.S. House of Representatives against Jeb Bradley, then defeated him again in her re-election bid two years later, the congresswoman had little [...]
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Carol Shea-Porter, CD -1 2010, endorsement, Fosters, Frank Guinta
August 24, 2010Matt Suermann
Fosters Daily Democrat posted a note in their editorial section that they would be announcing their endorsement in the Republican race for the opportunity to take on Governor Lynch in November. It will be interesting to see the tone they take in their endorsement and who they end up endorsing.
Fosters also released this video which could [...]
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endorsement, Fosters, Governor 2010, Tea Leaves
November 16, 2009Matt Suermann
As many of you may have seen Adam Krauss of Fosters has recently launched his own foray into the New Hampshire blogospshere with a blog called Soundings hosted at Fosters.com. He managed to post the fundraising letter that Sen. Judd Gregg sent to his donors in support of former New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, [...]
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Fosters, Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Judd Gregg, US Senate 2010