December 2, 2010Matt Suermann
A nugget from today’s Granite Status includes the new top hires for Frank Guinta’s Congressional Office, his District Director and Chief of Staff. Here are the details from DiStaso on who was hired and what will come of long time Guinta Operative Mike Biundo.
TOP GUINTA STAFFERS. U.S. Rep.-elect Frank Guinta will soon name his campaign [...]
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CD-1, Ethan Zorfas, Frank Guinta, Mike Biundo, Roger Wilkins
October 31, 2010Matt Suermann
With only 48 hours to go until Granite Staters head to the polls, the State’s key political reporters (DiStaso, Landrigan, and Fahey) offered their predictions for Election Day. For the most part, their predictions show great news for Republicans statewide. All agree that Ayotte and Guinta are shoo ins, that Gov. Lynch still has a [...]
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Ann McLane Kuster, Carol Shea-Porter, Charlie Bass, Election 2010, Executive Council, Frank Guinta, Kelly Ayotte, Paul Hodes, State House of Representatives, State Senate
October 27, 2010Matt Suermann
For those keeping track at home, Frank Guinta now leads CSP in newspaper endorsements, with only the left leaning Portsmouth Herald and out of district Concord Monitor willing to stand behind a third term for CSP. They also endorsed Charlie Bass in his race against Annie Kuster in CD-1. In endorsing Guinta and Bass, they [...]
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CD -1 2010, CD-2 2010, Charlie Bass, Eagle Tribune, endorsements, Frank Guinta
October 26, 2010Matt Suermann
Following the final CD-1 debate last night, in which CSP continued her condescending tone that has become a hallmark of her tenure as Representative from CD-1, Frank Guinta’s campaign issued the following release.
Shea-Porter Continues to Support Pelosi’s Failed Agenda
After trying to dodge question, finally admits she’d vote Pelosi as Speaker
Manchester, NH – At last night’s WMUR/Union Leader [...]
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Carol Shea-Porter, CD -1 2010, Frank Guinta
October 25, 2010Matt Suermann
This morning, Fosters Daily Democrat formally endorsed Frank Guinta for Congress. The full editorial can be found here. Check out a few key graphs from the endorsement.
When Carol Shea-Porter first ran for the U.S. House of Representatives against Jeb Bradley, then defeated him again in her re-election bid two years later, the congresswoman had little [...]
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Carol Shea-Porter, CD -1 2010, endorsement, Fosters, Frank Guinta
October 19, 2010Brett Bosse
Can’t stop desperate double-speak on accepting lobbyist donations
Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta, fresh off his victory at tonight’s debate at New England College, criticized Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter for her continued hypocrisy on lobbyists, and special interest groups. At tonight’s debate, Shea-Porter continued to excuse her acceptance of thousands of dollars in [...]
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CD-1, CSP, Frank Guinta
October 14, 2010Matt Suermann
Ovide Lamontagne announced today that he will be hosting a rally for the GOP ticket in Manchester on October 26. The invite, which can below, lists the candidates who have been invited and all of the details. You can also RSVP for the event on Facebook.
Check it out and try to make it for this [...]
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Charlie Bass, Election 2010, Frank Guinta, Gov. John H Sununu, Kelly Ayotte, Ovide Lamontagne, Ray Wieczorek